Dr. Maria Sole Rigo

Fields of interest

  • Late antique Greek literature
  • Early Christianity
  • Debate between pagans and Christians

Maria Sole Rigo is a classical philologist with a focus on late antiquity, in particular on Greek and early Christian literature. She obtained her BA (2011) and MA (2014) in classics at University of Udine and her degree (2015) in Humanistic Studies at Scuola Superiore of Udine. Her doctorate in Philology and history of the ancient world was awarded in 2020 by "Sapienza" University of  Rome, with a thesis on Eudocia Augusta's St. Cyprian.

Employed since April 2022 in the ERC Consolidator Grant "AntCoCo", Maria Sole Rigo brings her philological skills to the team.

Education and Career

  • 2008-2011: BA in Classics, University of Udine
  • 2011-2014: MA in Classics, University of Udine
  • 2008-2015: Degree in Humanistic Studies, Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine
  • 2015-2018: PhD in Philology and History of the ancient world, "Sapienza" University of  Rome (awarded in 2020)

Awards and Scholarships

  • 2008-2014: Scholarship, Scuola Superiore of the University of Udine
  • 2017-2018: Fellowship "Giovani ricercatori", “Sapienza” University of Rome, to spend six months as a visiting fellow at Seminar für Klassische Philologie, Universit?t Heidelberg


a) Articles

- “Da mago a eroe santo: il caso del De S. Cypriano di Eudocia Augusta”, Proceedings of Conference “Ricerche a confronto. X ciclo di incontri tra studenti e dottorandi di Antichità classiche e del Vicino Oriente antico”, in press.

- “Writing a Homeric-Christian Poem: The Case of Eudocia Augusta's Saint Cyprian” in Hadjittofi, F. – Lefteratou, A. (edd.), The Genres of Late Antique Christian Poetry: Between Modulations and Transpositions, Berlin-Boston 2020, 209-223.


b) Reviews

- Review of Magny, A., Porphyry in Fragments. Reception of an Anti-Christian Text in Late Antiquity, London 2014, in ?MEG? 16, 2016, 491-495.

- Review of Kolrud, K. – Prusac, M. (edd.), Iconoclasm from Antiquity to Modernity, Farnham 2014, ?MEG? 15, 2015, 448-450.