Assistant Professor Dr. Barbara Wittmann

Assistant Professor of European Ethnology with Focus on Intangible Cultural Heritage

Research Interests

  • Agro-food studies with specialization in intensive agricultural livestock production
  • Environmental Anthropology
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Historical and contemporary food culture studies
  • Multispecies Studies
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Flight and Asylum

2022 Assistant Professorship of European Ethnology with Focus on Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg.

2021 Researcher in Residence, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich

2020 Parental leave

2020 Completion of doctoral studies (summa cum laude) at the University of Regensburg

2016-2019 Doctoral Fellow German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU)

2018 Lecturer University Salzburg, Gastrosophical Sciences

2015-2016 Research Assistant Comparative Cultural Studies, Institute for Information and Media, Language and Culture, University of Regensburg

2011-2014 Master studies Comparative Cultural Studies University of Regensburg, University of Lucerne

2008-2011 Bachelor studies University of Regensburg; Subjects: Comparative Cultural Studies, Russian Philology, Art History

2005-2008 Vocational training as a Church Painter

2022 Research Award of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies of the University of Regensburg for the dissertation

2020 Sponsorship Award of the Bavarian Academy of Rural Areas
for the dissertation "Intensivtierhaltung. Agricultural positioning in the field of tension between ecology, economy and society"

2016 Young Scientist Award of the German Society for Agricultural History.
for the master thesis "Cultural science perspectives on stations and structures of the German poultry industry 1948 to 1980"


Wittmann, Barbara: Intensivtierhaltung. Landwirtschaftliche Positionierungen im Spannungsfeld von ?kologie, ?konomie und Gesellschaft (=Umwelt und Gesellschaft Bd. 25; zugl. Univ. Diss. Regensburg). G?ttingen 2021. Link zur open access-Publikation:


Wittmann, Barbara/Hirschfelder, Gunther (Hrsg.): Fremde N?he. Migrantische Perspektiven auf Bayern. Münster u.a. 2013.

Contributions to anthologies and journals

Wittmann, Barbara: "Wir sind Massentierhalter." Landwirt:innen im Spannungsfeld von Fürsorge, Ausbeutung und Naturbeherrschung. In:
AgrarBündnis e.V. (Hrsg.): Der kritische Agrarbericht 2024, S. 291-298.

Wittmann, Barbara: Der Faktor Erinnerung: Innerlandwirtschaftliche Perspektiven auf das Verschwinden von multispecies contact zones im Schweinestall. In: Body Politics. Zeitschrift für K?rpergeschichte. Heft 15 (11), 2023, S. 169-194. Open Access:, peer reviewed.

Wittmann, Barbara: Inner-Professional Perspectives on Factory Farming: Moral Positioning in a Field Considered as Immoral. In: May, Sarah/Growth, Stefan/Müske, Johannes (Hrsg.): Morality as Organizational Practice. Negotiating, Performing, and Navigating Moral Standards in Contexts of Work (= Freiburger Studien zur Kulturanthropologie Bd 6). Münster/New York 2023, S. 23-38.

Wittmann, Barbara: Vom H?hnchenschlegel zur Insektenfarm? Nutztierhaltung im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. In: May, Herbert/Rodenberg, Markus (Hrsg.): Tierisch nützlich. Der Mensch und sein Vieh. Bad Windsheim 2023, S. 32-43.

Wittmann, Barbara: München - Bayern mal ganz anders. (Anm.: Feldforschungen und Interviewstudien in jüdischen Restaurants) In: Hirschfelder, Gunther/Reck, Antonia/St?xen, Jana u.a.: Foodguide Jüdische Küche. Berlin 2022, S. 127-140.

Wittmann, Barbara: Fatigue vor Covid 19: Eine Patientinnensicht auf Gender-Aspekte, Psychosomatisierung und medizinische (Nicht-)Wissensregime bei ME/CFS. In: Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur 1/22 (2022), S. 12-16.

Wittmann, Barbara: Beruf Massentierhalter:in. Landwirtschaft zwischen Fürsorge, Ausbeutung und Natur-Beherrschung. In: ForAP 5/22 (2022), S. 9-23. Link zur open access-Publikation:

Wittmann, Barbara: Herr L., das Ferkelchen und ich. Forschungserfahrungen und Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen im Feld landwirtschaftlicher Intensivtierhaltung. In: Fenske, Michaela/Best, Daniel/Peselmann, Arnika (Hrsg.): L?ndliches vielfach! Leben und Wirtschaften in erweiterten sozialen Entit?ten. Würzburg 2021, S. 141-168.

Wittmann, Barbara: Skandal Massentierhaltung. Der bundesdeutsche K?fighuhn-Diskurs ab 1973. In: Steinberg, Swen/Jacob, Frank (Hrsg.): Semmeln aus S?gemehl. Lebensmittelskandale des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts als Orte des Wissens. (= Wissen über Waren – Historische Studien zu Nahrungs- und Genussmitteln, Bd. 2). Marburg 2020, S. 211-243.

Wittmann, Barbara: Stallbauproteste als Indikatoren eines kulturellen Anerkennungsverlustes konventioneller Landwirtschaft. In: Trummer, Manuel/Decker, Anja (Hrsg.):  Das L?ndliche als kulturelle Kategorie. Aktuelle kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Stadt-Land-Beziehungen. Bielefeld 2020, S. 167-184. Link zur open access-Publikation:

Wittmann, Barbara: Politisierte Ern?hrung. Vegane Lebensstile als kulturelle Positionierungen. In: Trummer, Manuel/Gietl, Sebastian/Schwemin, Florian (Hrsg.): ?Ein Stück weit ...“ Relatives und Relationales als Erkenntnisrahmen für Kulturanalysen. Münster/New York 2019, S. 113-128.

Wittmann, Barbara: Vorreiter der Intensivtierhaltung: Die bundesdeutsche Geflügelwirtschaft 1948 bis 1980. In: Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie 65 (2017), S. 53-74.

Wittmann, Barbara: Vom Mistkratzer zum Spitzenleger. Stationen der bundesdeutschen Geflügelwirtschaft 1948–1980. In: Jahrbuch für Geschichte des l?ndlichen Raumes, Sonderheft ?Tiere nutzen. ?konomien tierischer Produktion in der Moderne“ (2017), S. 134-153.

Wittmann, Barbara/Hirschfelder, Gunther: ?Was der Mensch essen darf“ – Thematische Hinführung. In: Hirschfelder, Gunther/Pl?ger, Angelika/Rückert-John, Jana u.a.  (Hrsg.): Was der Mensch essen darf. ?konomischer Zwang, ?kologisches Gewissen und globale Konflikte. Wiesbaden 2015, S. 1-18.

Wittmann, Barbara/Rückert-John, Jana: ?Was der Mensch essen darf“ – Abschlie?ende Zusammenschau. In: Hirschfelder, Gunther/Pl?ger, Angelika/Rückert-John, Jana u.a. (Hrsg.): Was der Mensch essen darf. ?konomischer Zwang, ?kologisches Gewissen und globale Konflikte. Wiesbaden 2015, S. 391-404.

Wittmann, Barbara/Hirschfelder, Gunther: Zwischen Fastfood und ?ko-Kiste. Alltagskultur des Essens. In: Theologisch-Praktische Quartalschrift 2 (2014), S. 132-139.

Wittmann, Barbara/Hirschfelder, Gunther (2013): Mitsommernacht. In: Lexikon zur Geschichte der Hexenverfolgung. Hrsg. v. Gudrun Gersmann, Katrin Moeller und Jürgen-Michael Schmidt. In: Online unter: 9927/ (Stand: 07.12.2023).

Wittmann, Barbara: Ich bin hier so ganz mit meinem Herzen. Geboren in Kasachstan, beheimatet in Bayern. In: Dies./Hirschfelder (Hrsg.): Fremde N?he. Migrantische Perspektiven auf Bayern. Münster u.a. 2013, S. 25-63.

Wittmann, Barbara: Einblicke in die Lebenswelt Sexarbeit. In: Fensterplatz. Studentische Zeitschrift für Kulturforschung (2012). Online unter: (Stand: 07.12.2023).


  • Intangible Heritage. An Introduction (WS 2022/23)
  • Nature-culture conceptualizations and environmental discourses. European ethnological perspectives (SS 2022)


  • Franconia and the World: Migration from, around and to Bamberg (WS 2023/24)
  • Gender Medicine. Cultural scientific perspectives on feminist approaches, body norms and historical developments (WS 2023/24)
  • Water is Life. Dealing with a Natural Resource as Intangible Cultural Heritage (WS 2023/24)
  • European-ethnological perspectives on cultural practices of collecting (SS 2023)
  • Idyllic, backward, affordable? Cultural analysis of rural areas (SS 2023)
  • Food Culture 2.0. European Ethnological Perspectives on the Present and Future of Nutrition (WS 2022/23)
  • Culture 100 years ago: The "Golden Twenties" between Art, War and Emancipation (WS 2022/23)
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage. Empirical approaches and theoretical concepts (SS 2022)
  • History of food culture (WS 2017/18, University of Salzburg)
  • Housing practices in the context of flight and migration (WS 2017/18, in cooperation with Gunther Hirschfelder, University of Regensburg)
  • Environmental movements: Origins, goals, structures. Perspectives on the Field of Tension Nature - Culture (SS 2016, University of Regensburg)
  • Preservers of tradition, animal abusers, TV jerks. Society's Perception of the Rural (WS 2015/16, University of Regensburg)
  • Utopia and social criticism in science fiction. Everyday life on the Enterprise (WS 2015/16, University of Regensburg)
  • A perfect world in a petticoat? Living and working worlds in the economic miracle of the 1950s and 60s (SS 2015, University of Regensburg)
  • Rural Everyday and Agricultural Culture between Tradition, Transformation and Medialization (SS 2015, University of Regensburg)

Field Trips (in selection)

  • Bad Windsheim. Insights into the concept and professional field Open Air Museum
  • Tavern Culture Regensburg
  • Visit to the Mühldorfer Hart Concentration Camp Memorial Site
  • NaturVision 2015. Evaluation of an International Film Festival (multi-day)
  • Open Air Museum Neusath-Perschen
  • Visit of the Hermannsd?rfer Landwerkst?tten Glonn
  • Insight into the Regensburg Initial Reception Facility for Refugees

Since assuming of the Assistant Professorship


  • "Gender Medicine. European-Ethnological Perspectives on Medial Reception and Institutional Hierarchies"; Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Art and Cultural History University of Augsburg, November 30, 2023 (held in German).
  • ",Old? or ,new? normal of work? On the continuity of paradigms of self-disciplining, subjectivization, and flexibilization in craft and agriculture"; conference "New Normal of Work" of the dgekw Commission on Work Cultures, Munich, November 2-4, 2023 (held in German).
  • "Of pigeons, carps and cows - European-ethnological perspectives on animals in the context of intangible cultural heritage"; symposium "Animals as cultural heritage", Halle, September 28-29, 2023 (held in German).
  • "Factory farming between ecology, economy and society"; Munich Volkshochschule, June 29, 2023 (held in German).
  • "Research field of intensive animal husbandry: on the messiness of agrarian levels of relationships between exploitation, care and economic pressure"; Institute of Sociology, Munich, June 29, 2023 (held in German).
  • "Chronic fatigue and chronic denial. Subject-centered insights into the failure of the medical system concerning treatment and diagnosis of the disease ME/CFS"; SIEF Congress, Brno/CZ, June 8, 2023.
  • "Research field of intensive animal husbandry: qualitative methodology and results from guided interviews"; Online Oral History Ring Lecture at Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum, March 2023 (held in German).


  • "Intensive Animal Husbandry. Insights into agricultural positioning with consideration of Christian-religious motivations"; Bamberg Theological Forum, December 15, 2022 (held in German).
  • "Intensive animal husbandry in the field of tension between economy, ecology and society"; Conference "Bioeconomy and Agriculture" in Freiburg, November 24, 2022 (held in German).
  • "100 years of food culture: from Sunday roast to vegan schnitzel"; Fall Forum of Forum 1.5 Mittelfranken in Erlangen, October 22, 2022 (held in German).
  • "Sport is always good? On the stigmatization of chronically ill people by (lay) medical exercise imperatives"; Annual Conference of the G?rres Society in Aachen, September 24, 2022 (held in German).
  • "Farms instead of agricultural factories? Discourses around threat, reshaping and preservation of rural structures"; Commission Conference Cultural Analysis of the Rural of the dgekw in Cloppenburg, September 22, 2022 (held in German).
  • "Planability vs. pressure to adapt. Perceptions of time as a conflict between agriculture and animal welfare"; dgekw congress, Regensburg/Online, April 7, 2022 (held in German).

The Assistant Professorship for European Ethnology with focus on Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg has been filled with Assistant Professor Dr. Barbara Wittmann in summer semester 2022.

The position holder represents the field of European Ethnology with a focus on intangible cultural heritage in research and teaching. Her responsibilities also include active involvement in the bachelor and master’s programs in European Ethnology and other programs in which the discipline participates, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration within the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies and, in particular, in the research profile field "Analysis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage" at Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg.