Regulations and documents
Regulations for the degree program

The formal framework for the Master’s Degree Programme in European Ethnology is provided by the following documents:
- The General Examination Regulations (Allgemeine Prüfungsordnung, APO, in German) of the Faculty for Humanities.
- The study and subject examination regulations (Studien- und Fachprüfungsordnung, StuFPO) for the degree program.
The study and subject examination regulations define, among other things, the credit points (ECTS points) to be earned in the module groups.
Module manuals

The module manual contains the descriptions of the individual modules referenced in the module table, including a short description, learning objectives, curriculum prerequisites and type of examination.
- The current module manual for the Master’s Degree Programme: aktuelles Modulhandbuch (in German)
- Older versions of the module manual can be found on the pages of the Department of Studies and Teaching: ?ltere Fassungen des Modulhandbuchs (in German)
Sample study course plans

Exemplary study plan (Programme start in winter semester): Exemplarischer Studienverlaufsplan(144.1 KB, 1 page) (in German)
Further documents

- Certificates and forms (in German)
- Guidelines of European Ethnology (in German)