Prof. Dr. Daniel Drewski

Junior Professorship for Sociology of Europe and Globalization

University of Bamberg
Feldkirchenstr. 21
Room F21/01.24a
96052 Bamberg, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)951 / 863 - 1640


Office hours:  Monday, 16-17 h (by appointment via email)


Daniel Drewski is junior professor for Sociology of Europe and Globalization at the University of Bamberg since October 2021. Previously, he was a researcher at the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script“ (SCRIPTS) and the Institute for Sociology at Freie Universit?t Berlin. Daniel Drewski has studied in Berlin, Santiago de Chile and Bloomington (IN) and obtained his doctorate in 2019 from the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) at the Humboldt University Berlin. For his thesis he was awarded the dissertation prize from the German Sociological Association (DGS). Research stays in Brussels (fieldwork), at Peking University and the European University Institute in Florence.

Research Focus

Sociology of European integration and globalization
Migration and boundaries
Social and symbolic boundaries
Qualitative methods, discourse analyses

Selected Publications


Drewski, D., & Gerhards, J. (2024). Framing Refugees: how the Admission of Refugees is Debated in Six Countries across the World (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

Drewski, D. (2022). National and regional symbolic boundaries in the European commission: towards an ever-closer union? (1st ed.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

Special Issue

Barwick-Gross, C., B?rner, S., Drewski, D. & Milewski, N. (eds.) (2023): Forced migration to Germany: Bordering practices and lived experiences. Culture, Practice & Europeanization 8(2).

Articles in Scientific Journals

Drewski, D., & Gerhards, J. (2024). Why do states discriminate between refugee groups?: understanding how Syrian and Ukrainian refugees were framed in Germany and Poland. American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 1–27.

Drewski, D. (2023). Language and symbolic boundaries among transnational elites: A qualitative case study of European Commission officials. Global Networks, Online First, 1–16.

Drewski, D. (2021). EU-Osterweiterung und symbolische Grenzziehungen: Eine qualitative Fallstudie der Beamt*innen der Europ?ischen Kommission. Zeitschrift Für Soziologie, 50(2), 96–113.

Drewski, D., & Tuppat, J. (2021). Migration and the plurality of ethnic boundary work: A qualitative interview study of naming practices of migrants from former Yugoslavia in Germany. Ethnicities, 21(4), 706–729.

Drewski, D., Gerhards, J., & Hans, S. (2018). National symbolic capital in a multinational environment: An exploratory study of symbolic boundaries at a European school in Brussels. Innovation, 31(4), 429–448.

Gerhards, J., Hans, S., & Drewski, D. (2018). Global inequality in the academic system: effects of national and university symbolic capital on international academic mobility. Higher Education, 76(4), 669–685.

Gerhards, J., Hans, S., Carlson, S., & Drewski, D. (2017). The Globalisation of Labour Markets: A Content Analysis of the Demand for Transnational Human Capital in Job Advertisements. Soziale Welt, 68(1), 25–44.

Drewski, D. (2015). Has there been a European Public Discourse on the Euro Crisis?: A Content Analysis of German and Spanish Newspaper Editorials. Javnost - The Public, 22(3), 264–282.