Examination Dates

1. All Studis (except of Lehramt/Erste Staatsprüfung)

Examination Dates SS 2024(317.0 KB)


Update 19/07/2024

  • New start time for Lernende Systeme/Einführung in Maschinelles Lernen on the 05/08/2024 – New begin 14:00
  • Examination MII-MID-M: Multimodal Interaction Design on the 14/08/2024 cancelled
  • New examination location for Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens on the 23/08/2024 - F21/01.57

Update 12/07/2024

  • New examination location for Wirtschaftsmathematik: Lineare Algebra / Mathematik in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften II/
    Wirtschaftsmathematik II on the 29/07/2024 - Kapellenstra?e 13
  • ISDL-ITCHANGE-M: Management IT-bedingter Ver?nderungen on the 22/07/2024 cancelled
  • Microeconomics of Education on the 26/07/2024 cancelled
  • Industri?konomik on the 01/08/2024 cancelled

Update: 09.07.2024

  • New examination location for Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung II on the 13/08/2024 -  F21/01.57

Update 05/07/2024

  • Examination locations and start-time of the examinations added

Update 29/04/2024

  • Examination date for Advanced Topics in Survey Statistics switched - from 31/07/2024 to 07/08/2024
  • Deleted - IIS.E.Biz-B: Electronic Business
  • No further examination - SWT-CPS-M: Cyber Physical Systems
  • No examination date for Wettbewerbsrecht in SS 2024


If you particiate in more than one examination per day the examination office will schedule the times and locations, so the examinations will not take place at the same time. To be on the safe side inform the examination office about your situation by email - sowi.pruefungen(at)uni-bamberg.de.


General Advices:

  • Please arrive at the examination location at the latest 45 minutes before the examination begins.
  • Please keep in mind: there are ot enough parking spaces available for the locations Volkspark, Aula (Dominikanerbau), Ludwigstra?e 25 and Kapellenstra?e 13. Please use the public transport or the bicycle.