FlexNow for Employees

Start FlexNow2

(Au?erhalb des Universit?tsnetzes ist eine VPN-Verbindung erforderlich!)


We recommend that you only use the Mozilla Firefox browser to access FlexNow. We cannot support other browsers due to the broad range of available products. Using other browsers can lead to errors in display and functionality.
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Opera are therefore explicitly not supported.



Please report technical problems to informationssysteme.zuv(at)uni-bamberg.de, and FlexNow-specific problems to flexnow(at)uni-bamberg.de !

If your user ID has not yet been activated, please send the request to activate your BA number to the Office of Examinations. Your user ID will be entered immediately (queries: telephone: 1402; Email: flexnow(at)uni-bamberg.de).

General Information about FlexNow

General Information about FlexNow

The Office of Examinations team would like to welcome you to the FlexNow website.
This is where we provide important information about FlexNow and the examinations managed in FlexNow.

The following modules are available in FlexNow2

  • FN2LM – Academic unit module
    • Create and edit courses
    • Create and edit examinations (decentralised)
    • Register and deregister course and examination participants
    • Enter marks for examination participants
  • FN2MOD – Modulhandbuch
    • Use FlexNow to create module handbooks and course modules
  • FN2PA – Web-based applications for examining boards and other users
    • Access to student data, limited to those persons authorised to use and process such data.



You can save the direct link fn2lm.zuv.uni-bamberg.de/FN2AUTH/FN2AuthServlet in your browser. However, please check back here from time to time to find out about new Office of Examination deadlines and procedures.

Below you will find a description of how to create and manage bookmarks in the "Mozilla Firefox" web browser.

If you have not yet enrolled in the VC course, we recommend that you do so as well. The course provides the latest news on updates and new functions, as well as on maintenance work, instructions, tips and tricks, etc. Please request the necessary login information by sending an email to flexnow(at)uni-bamberg.de.