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Frequently Asked Questions

  • You will find lists of all registered candidates in the examination room. Each candidate is assigned a consecutive number, which also represents his or her seat number for the examination in question. This means that there is assigned seating.
  • You will find the examination envelope at your assigned seat. Please sign it before you start the examination.
  • Please note that in the examination rooms, bags and jackets are to be placed along the wall or with the invigilator. Emergency exits must be kept clear! Mobile phones must be switched off and left in your bag or with the invigilator. Please also note the information on the use of unauthorised aids under points 5 and 6 in the section titled “What should I generally bear in mind when taking a written examination?”
  • Shortly before the start of the examination, the instructions are given and the examination topics are handed out.
  • The invigilators will confirm candidates’ at the entrance to the examination rooms. You must show your official identity card when entering the room.

If you do not have a valid identity card, passport or driving licence with you, your identity must be confirmed using another form of identification. In this case, the invigilator will inform you that credit for your examination will only be awarded under the condition that you present valid identification at the responsible academic unit within one week of the examination.

Please be aware: your student identity card is not an official photo document and cannot be used to confirm your identity.

Information (including contact information) is available on the website of the Officer for Students with Disabilities:



  1. Only the examination paper provided by the university may be used and that the use of one’s own paper will be considered an attempt at deception.
  2. The use of shorthand is not permissible when writing notes or drafting your answers; the use of a pencil is also not permitted.
  3. The correction margin on all examination papers must be left blank and all sheets must be numbered consecutively with 1-4, 5-8 etc., and must include your name.
  4. The examination must be completed independently, and any form of communication among     participants or with a third party – including anyone outside the examination room – is forbidden.
  5. Permissible aids are indicated on the examination materials. Possession or use of any aids or resources not permitted for use on a candidate’s particular examination – especially computers, devices with communication capabilities or internet connectivity (e.g. mobile phones, smart watches), or any other devices with recording or data storage capabilities (e.g. digital cameras) – is prohibited.
  6. In case of deception or an attempt at deception, the continuation of the exam will be allowed only conditionally. The exam candidate will be informed of this. Any discovery of prohibited aids at a candidate’s desk is considered an attempt to cheat. Prohibited aids and resources will be confiscated immediately; permissible but manipulated aids will be confiscated at the end of the examination. The candidate shall mark such materials with his/her name to ensure their allocation and to allow for their return at a later time. Violations shall be recorded in the examination minutes and confirmed by the second supervisor. Whether an attempt at deception exists will subsequently be determined by the examining board. The examination will not be corrected until the examining board has made a decision. The incident is to be reported immediately to the Office of Examinations by the academic unit conducting the examination.
  7. Only the presented topic(s) may be completed and turned in, whereby only the topic(s) listed on the front of the cover sheet count(s) as chosen and completed and other topic(s) will not be taken into consideration.
  8. During the examination, candidates may only leave the room one at a time and must have permission from a supervisor. Examination materials must be left with the supervisor during this period of time. The time and the duration of any interruption shall be noted on the candidate’s examination paper.
  9. All documents, including examination topics, notes and blank paper must be turned in.
  10. Candidates who turn in their test before the end of the authorised time must leave the
    examination room quietly and promptly.  During the last 15 minutes of the
    examination, you no longer have the option to turn in your examination ahead of time. This time period will be announced.
  11. Examinations which are not turned in or not turned in on time will be marked as “insufficient”.  The examination is considered not having been turned in on time if the candidate continues to write after being asked to turn in the examination. After the examination time is up, candidates may not leave their desks until all examinations have been collected.