Governing Body

Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas
Chair of Mobile Systems
/mobi/team/daniela-nicklasProf. Dr. Astrid Schütz
Chair of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
/perspsych/team/astrid-schuetz#cProf. Dr. Marc Redepenning
Chair of Cultural Geography
They are suported by:
- Project coordinator Eva-Maria Steger, M.Sc.
Chair of Mobile Systems
The following scientists participate in our network with ideas, projects or their expertise:
PD Dr. Martin Düchs - Architect and philosopher
M.Sc. Theresa Fehn - Chair of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
M.Sc. Marco Held - Chair of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment
/perspsych/team/marco-heldProf. Dr. Dominik Herrmann - Privacy and Security in Information Systems Group
/en/psi/team/dominik-herrmann/?L=4Prof. Dr. Mona Hess - Chair for Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation
/ddt/team/mona-hessProf. Dr. Christian Illies - Chair of Philosophy II
/philosophie/personen/professoren/prof-dr-christian-illiesDr. Klaus Stein - Cultural Informatics Research Group
/kinf/mitarbeiter/klausM.Sc. Michael Freitag - Chair of Mobile Systems
Prof. Dr. Judith Volmer - Professorship of Work and Organizational Psychology