What is this?

This small box is a sensor that passively collects WiFi signals emitted by communication devices like smartwatches, mobile phones, or tablets. The datasheet provides additional information regarding the technical specifications of the sensor.
What does this do here?
This sensor collects information about incoming radio signals in its environment and sends this data to the Chair of Mobile Systems at the University of Bamberg.. A concrete expression of the collect information looks like this:
name | value |
eventtype | status |
epocutc | 1675942985 |
zone | bz2454 |
mac_address | ef23bab1630a823f98c9d4d36b790e29efd08ca02ea0d014f3dc6b6b |
RSSI | -42 |
techtype | 0 |
"leave" - No longer seen, leaving the measuring range is assumed
"status" - Initial viewing or status update
Time of sending the event
Serialnumber of the controller
A SHA-2 Hash
The signal strength of the recieved signal meassured in dBm
0 ? Bluetooth
1 ? Bluetooth Low Energy
2 ? WLAN (relevant for Crowdanym)
For what will the data be used?
The captured data will be used in research project CrowdAnym - Preliminary study on possibilities of anonymous data collection as a basis for data-driven visitor guidance in Bamberg's Old Town. This preliminary study will use a test installation in the field to investigate whether the data quality is sufficient for such projects even with strong anonymisation (which in turn is important for the acceptance of the measure), under which conditions the system achieves high acceptance values for the population, and which further applications will be possible with an OpenData provision of the data.
Are personal data collected?
During the project, no personal data will be recorded. The measurement system only collects anonymised MAC addresses (BDAddr) from WiFi- (or Bluetooth-) enabled devices. The MAC addresses are immediately anonymised by a daily-changing random string, called a 'salt', and stored as a hash value, which prevents identification of individual persons and any recognition of them over multiple days. No personal data is collected in the process. The collected data is encrypted and sent to a server operated by the Chair of Mobile Systems, where it is protected by technical and organisational measures. Preserving the privacy of the people counted by the sensor is of the highest priority.
Who is responsible for this and where can I find out more?
Prof. Dr. Daniela Nicklas
Chair of Mobile Systems
Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 951/863 3670
Raum: WE5/05.128