Research profile

Multi-levelled Mission statement

Topic: Function and dynamics of affective and cognitive processes

Method: Experimental psychological research and application oriented development of research methods

Vision: To describe, explain and predict psychological phenomena in a holistic and dynamic way

Detailed research profile

The Department of General Psychology and Methodology links basic and applied research in a variety of areas and domains of human perception, feeling, thinking, and acting. Different streams of aesthetic research (What is attractive? How does taste changes over time?) are the major pillars of our research besides topics like perception and processing of human faces, and cognitive dysfunctions of such processing, e.g. the phenomenon of prosopagnosia (“face blindness”).

Our competence in classical statistical methods is complemented by the application of modern research methods (e.g., eyetracking, pupillometry, EEG, MEG, EDA, TMS), the development of innovative experimental tasks (e.g., the md-IAT), the development of new calculation procedures (e.g., bi-dimensional regression, IMUDE, BBSI) and the application of modern sensor technologies from the consumer product area embedded in the psychological context (Microsoft Kinect, Nintendo Balance Board).

In research projects financed by the European Union (e.g. AAL-Fearless, VKJF), the Department of General Psychology and Methodology advances the knowledge on technical assistive systems for elderly or dement people (Ambient Assisted Living) and in the areas of health industry and industrial medicine. With partners from the automobile industries (e.g., BMW) and the online distribution and marketing industries (e.g., BAUR), we realize an effective transfer of scientific discoveries and knowledge to the economic system.

The Department of General Psychology and Methodology is closely associated and affiliated with a variety of scientific institutions in basic as well as applied research (e.g., Fraunhofer, Orange labs) contexts all over the world. This renders it possible to establish even very large and complex projects in an effective way and on a competent international basis.

Professor Claus-Christian Carbon, PhD
(Head of Department)




  • BMW AG Munich
    Carbon, C. C. (2023). Design Evaluation, 2023 [n/a]
  • St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
    Carbon, C. C. & Weeth, A. (2022). Multisensorische Virtualisierung von Naturwahrnehmung und deren Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden [About the impact of multisensory virtualisation of nature experience on wellbeing], 03/2023-10/2023 [EUR 4,912.80]
  • Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie
    Schmid, U., Franz, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2022). KMU-KI-Erfahrungszentrum, 01/2023-12/2025[total EUR 1,999,684.--], PI Carbon: EUR 221,494.--]


  • BMW AG Munich
    Carbon, C. C. (2022). Innovation in Design, 2022 [EUR 9,900.--]
  • BMW AG Munich
    Carbon, C. C. (2022). Innovation in Psychoacoustics, 2022 [EUR 7,000.--]
  • Heinz-Glas Kleintettau
    Carbon, C. C. (2022). Markenkern Rennsteig-Region [EUR 5,000.--]


  • BMW AG Municn
    Carbon, C. C. (2021). Psychoacoustical measures, 2021 [EUR 17,500.--]
  • Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2021). Komplexit?t II[Complexity II], 04/2022-09/2022 [EUR 17,613.--]
  • Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2021). Komplexit?t I [Complexity I], 08/2021-03/2022 [EUR 25,250.--]
  • Bavarian Ministry of Science & European Social Funds (ESF); 
    Carbon, C. C.* & Raab, M. H.* (2021). Strategic Virtualization. 08/2021-12/2022[EUR 519,428.--] * equal contribution


  • European Social Funds (ESF) & Bavarian Ministry of Science
    Carbon, C. C. (2019). Emotional Design für KMU— Emotionspsychologie zur effektiven Kommunikation von Marken, Produkten und Dienstleistungen nutzen [Emotional Design for SMEs — Using emotional psychology for effective communication of brands products and services], 11/2019-10/2021 [EUR 113,772.--]
  • Brose Fahrzeugteile
    Carbon, C. C. (2019). Developing Future Car Concepts, 08/2019-07/2021[EUR 253,987.--]
  • BMW AG Munich
    Carbon, C. C. (2019). Methods for Perceived Quality, 06/2019-12/2020[EUR 28,479.--]
  • Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2019). Aktualisierung zu ?Praxis der Fragebogenkonstruktion: Von der Idee bis zur Auswertung“ [Update for Designing and analyzing questionnaires], 05/2019-09/2019 [EUR 20,935.--]



  • BMW AG Munich
    Carbon, C. C. (2018). Methods for Perceived Quality, 04/2018-12/2019[EUR 23,470.--]
  • BMW AG Munich
    Carbon, C. C. (2018). Aesthetics and Experience, 10/2018-12/2019[EUR 4,973.--]
  • TTL / TTM
    Carbon, C. C. (2017). Assoziationen und Produktpr?ferenzen im Einzelhandel, 04/2018[EUR 4,284.--]



  • Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (Bavarian Research Foundation)
    Wartzack, S., Carbon, C. C., & Wagner, P.-O. (2017). Methoden für die realit?tsgetreue visuelle Wahrnehmung durch Eye-Tracking im Head-Mounted Display [Visual perception in head-mounted displays], joint project of FAU Erlangen, U Bamberg and BMW AG München, 04/2018-03/2020 [in total EUR 155,700.--]
  • Bundesministerium für Verteidigung 
    Carbon, C. C. (2018). Evaluative Begleitung der Einführung von bundeswehrgemeinsamen Assessmentverfahren im Rahmen einer Pilotanwendung, 10/2017-12/2018[EUR 47,059.--]
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
    Carbon, C. C. (2017). Gesichtsadaptationseffekte mit Informationen lokaler Merkmale—CA 917/7 [Figural Face Aftereffects with information of local features—CA 917/7], 03/2018-02/2020 [EUR 189,235.--]
  • Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH & Co. KG Bamberg
    Carbon, C. C. (2017). Interaktionsmuster bei PKW-Seiteneinstiegs- und Heckklappentüren [Patterns of interaction of car doors], 05/2017-09/2017 [EUR 26,300.--]
  • NixWieWeg GmbH, Parkstein
    Carbon, C. C. (2017). Bedürfnisorientiertes Buchungserlebnis—Phase 1 [user-oriented booking experience—phase 1], 05/2017-12/2017 [EUR 19,706.--]
  • European Social Funds (ESF) & Bavarian Ministry of Science
    Carbon, C. C. (2016). Fit für Innovation — Kreativit?t und Innovationsf?higkeit in KMU netzgestützt trainieren [Fit for Innovation — Blended-Training of Innovation Capacity for SMEs], 06/2017-05/2019 [EUR 179,740.--]
  • Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR), Freistaat Bayern, Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2016). Vermeer studio (USA) [BayIntAn_UBA_2017_05], 01/2017-08/2017
    [EUR 3,664.--]
  • St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2016). Auf der Spur der Mond-T?uschung [Investigating the moon illusion], 02/2017-11/2017 [EUR 2,000.00]



  • National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
    Likova, L. (PI), Tyler, C., Geer, T., Burton, J., & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Harnessing the Power of Drawing for the Enhancement of Learning across Levels of Vision Function, 09/2016-08/2019 [totalUS$ 400,000.00]
  • St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2016). Globales vs. lokales Verarbeitung von Schatteninformationen [Global and local processing of shadows], 10/2016-06/2017 [EUR 1,935.60]
  • Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Germany
    Wilbers, K. & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Multivariate Auswertetools mit K?pfchen Teil 2/2 [Smart multivariate analysis tools part 2/2], 06/2016-05/2017 [EUR 16,800.--]
  • Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Germany
    Wilbers, K. & Carbon, C. C. (2016). Multivariate Auswertetools mit K?pfchen Teil 1/2 [Smart multivariate analysis tools part 1/2], 06/2016-05/2017 [EUR 16,800.--]
  • DAAD (German Academic Mobility Organization)
    Carbon, C. C. (2012). Traveling expenses Japan, 07/2016 [EUR 1,847.--]
  • Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR), Freistaat Bayern, Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2015). Erforschung technischer und malerischer Verfahren von Johannes Vermeer (USA) [BayIntAn_Uni_Bamberg_2012_09], 01/2016-10/2016 [EUR 7,845.--]



  • Individual Coaching, Vienna, Austria
    Carbon, C. C. & Fischer, U. C. (2015). Evaluating Ewoplass, 09/2015-10/2015 [EUR 6,000.--]
  • European Social Funds (ESF) & Bavarian Ministry of Science
    Carbon, C. C. (2015). Multimodal Marketing für KMU: Fünf Sinne zur erfolgreichen Pr?sentation von Produkten und Dienstleistungen nutzen [Multimodal marketing for SMEs: Using the five senses for successful presentation of products and services], 06/2015-05/2017 [EUR 179,979.--


  • Orange labs, France
    Carbon, C. C. (2014). Cognitive maps, 12/2014-11/2015 [EUR 17,850.--]

  • BayHost (Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa), Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2014). Integrative model of aesthetic experience—a cooperative project with the Republic of Serbia, 10/2014-12/2014 [EUR 1.000,--]
  • Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2014). Praxis der Fragebogenkonstruktion: Von der Idee bis zur Auswertung [Designing and analyzing questionnaires], 05/2014-02/2015 [EUR 39.976,--]
  • St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2014). Wenn aus Geometrie Gestalt wird: Untersuchung der kognitiven Verarbeitung von "Visionaries" (geometrischen Mustern) und deren Einfluss auf das Gefallen [Aesthetic processing and appreciation of ?visionaries“], 08/2014-07/2015 [EUR 1.973,50]
  • European Social Funds (ESF)
    Carbon, C. C. (2014). Visual Marketing für KMU [Visual marketing for SMEs], 04/2014-04/2015 [EUR 40.000,--]
  • EU Joint Programming: Ambient Assisted Living (AAL; Call 6)
    Carbon, C. C. (2013). Psychological factors of senior occupation after profession(within the European project SOPHIA = Senior Occupation after Profession: Habit Intriguing Adults), 2013.


  • Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb), Germany
    Carbon, C. C. (2013). Visuelle Wahrnehmung und wie sie uns t?uscht: Praktische Implikationen für Werbung, Usability, Design und ?sthetik [Visual perception and deception: Practical implications for advertising, usability, design and aesthetics], 09/2013-08/2015 [EUR 39.918,--]
  • Zepf, Landau, Germany
    Carbon, C. C. & Fischer, U. C. (2013). EE-Pro-Skills2, 04/2013-08/2015 [EUR 6.000,--]

2012                            Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung, Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2012). Psychologische Faktoren der Nutzung und Entwicklung von e-Mobility Schnellladestationen [Psychological factors of using and developing fast charge capabilities in the e-Mobility sector], 01/2013-12/2015 [EUR 294.000,--]

2012                            Deutsche Bundespolizei, Deutsche Bahn Konzernsicherheit & Deutsche Bahn Station & Service, Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2012). Fundamentale Faktoren für Sicherheit im ?ffentlichen Raum [Fundamental factors for security in public spaces], 10/2012-012/2013 [EUR 16.385,78]

2012                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Albrecht, S. (2012). Wahrnehmungspsychologische Untersuchung des Einflusses kognitiver Verarbeitungscharakteristika auf ?sthetische Urteile [Fluency and aesthetic appreciation], 01/2013-12/2013 [EUR 1.971,20]

2012                            Bayerische Forschungsallianz (BayFOR), Freistaat Bayern, Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2012). Cross-kulturelle Erforschung des "Other race Effekts" (Afrika-Europa) [BayIntAn_Uni_Bamberg_2012_09], 10/2012-12/2013
[EUR 7.720,--]

2012                            Orange labs, France
Carbon, C. C. (2012). Alterations of cognitive maps of women becoming mothers, 07/2012-06/2013
[EUR 10.000,--]

2012                            BAUR Versand, Weismain, Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2012). Color associations during web-based buying processes. [EUR 11.880,--]

2012                            Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen, Italy
Basso, D. & Carbon, C. C. (2012). Invisible attractions: Does estimation of distances in South-Tyrolean inhabitants depend on their linguistic preference? [EUR 10.900,--]

2012                            DAAD (German Academic Mobility Organization)
Carbon, C. C. (2012). Traveling expenses South Africa, 07/2012 [EUR 1.891,--]

2012                            Freistaat Bayern (Free State of Bavaria)
Carbon, C. C. (2012). FUTUR Program for promoting applied research at Bavarian universities, 02/2012 [EUR 6.096,23]

2012                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Streffing, G. (2011). Ein 'Grundbaukasten' für ein aktives Altern in den eigenen vier W?nden - Unabh?ngigkeit, Sicherheit und Lebensqualit?t durch serienfertige und konstengünstige assistive Technologien [Cheap technology for ambient assistance], 01/2012-12/2012 [EUR 4.989,00]

2012                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2011). Wahrnehmungspsychologische Untersuchung Mittelalterlicher Malerei [Perceptual investigation of mediaval paintings], 01/2012-08/2012 [EUR 1.976,80]

2012                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Raab, M. (2011). Günstige RFID-Technologie zur Echtzeit-Erfassung von Bewegungsverhalten in psychologischen Feldexperimenten [Cheap RFID solutions for realtime measurement of trajectories in field experiments], 01/2012-12/2012 [EUR 1.935,36]

2012                            DAAD (German Academic Mobility Organization; Vigoni)
Carbon, C. C. & Cattaneo, Z. (2011). Investigating congenital prosopagnosia using tDCS, 01/2012-10/2012
[EUR 4.929,00]

2011                            BMW Group, Munich/Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2011). Raumwirkung in Fahrzeuginnenr?umen [Aesthetic Appreciation of car interiors], 11/2011-10/2012
[EUR 72.545,09]

2011                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Faerber, S. (2011). Sind Sch?nheitsideale unver?nderlich? [Are ideals of beauty eternal?] (project. No. 02060223), 10/2011-09/2012
[EUR 4.960,90]

2011                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Raab, M. (2011). Der Einfluss narrativer Einbettung auf die Auswirkungen von Gewaltdarstellungen in Computerspielen [On the impact of narrative embedment on the perception of violence in computer games], 10/2011-09/2012
[EUR 4.975,36]

2011                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Harsányi, G. (2011). Dynamische Kategorisierung von Gesichtern verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen [Dynamical categorization of faces from different ethnic groups], 09/2011-08/2012
[EUR 4.898,--]

2011                            EU Joint Programming: Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
Carbon, C. C. (2010). Psychological investigation of Ambient Assisted Living (within the European project FEARLESS = Fear Elimination As Resolution for Loosing Elderly’s Substantial Sorrows), 2010.
[EUR 172.927,70]

2011                            Robert-Pfleger Stiftung/Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2011). Entwicklung erster Schritte zu einem Trainingsprogramm für Angeborene Prosopagnosie [Development of preliminary steps for training people with congenital prosopagnosia], 08/2011-07/2012
[EUR 45.940,--]

2011                            Sondertatbestand Drittmittelprojekte, University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2011). Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) [project 020602-07], 06/2009
[EUR 2.092,93]

2011                            France Télécom, Issy les Moulineaux/France
Carbon, C. C. (2011). Cultural variations of cognitive maps and information apprehension, 08/2011-03/2012
[EUR 10.000,--]

2011                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Faerber, S. (2010). Dynamiken des Gefallens von Objekten: Intra- und crossmodale Adaptationseffekte [Dynamics of object appreciation: Intra- and crossmodal adaptation effects] [project 020602-019], 02/2011-12/2011
[EUR 5.000,--]

2011                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Schmittlutz, T. (2010). Arbeitszufriedenheit: Faktoren und deren Gewichtung [Work satisfaction: Factors and their weighting] [project 020602-04], 02/2011-12/2011
[EUR 4.669,--]

2010                            Universit?t Bayern e.V.
Carbon, C. C., Ivens, B. & Schmid, U. (2010). ?sthetische Urteilsbildung, 2010.
[EUR 25.000,--]

2010                           DAAD (German Academic Mobility Organization) travel grant for conference visit (ECVP) in Lausanne, Switzerland
[EUR 790,00]

2010                            University of Vienna
Schabmann, A. & Carbon, C. C. (2010). Cascaded Blended Mentoring, Verl?ngerung, 2008.
[EUR 46.000,00]; Investitionsprojekt

2010                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. & Harsányi, G. (2009). Nutzung von Stil- und Motivinformationen bei der Kunstbetrachtung [project 020602-03], 01/2010-07/2010
[EUR 4.856,--]

2009                            Sondertatbestand Drittmittelprojekte, University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2008). Cognitive Development of face-identity and face-emotion over the span of life [Kognitive Entwicklung von Gesichts- und Emotionserkennung über die Lebensspanne], 08/2009-12/2009
[EUR 4.796,74]

2008                            St?ndige Kommission für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs (FNK), University of Bamberg/Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2008). Developing a clinical diagnostic test for congenital prosopagnosia [project 020602-96], 01/2009-07/2010
[EUR 3.994,--]

2008                            Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (
Schabmann, A. & Carbon, C. C. (2008). Nominationfor the MedidaPrix 2008 (Award of Media Didactics), 2008

2008                            Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (ZPID)/Germany
Carbon, C. C. (2008). Publication Issues from an Austrian Perspective, 2008
[EUR 1000,--]

2008                            Austrian Research Fund (?FG)/Austria
Carbon, C. C. (2008, returned due to move to Germany). Mobility Grant for Congress Hong Kong, 2008
[EUR 700,--]

2008                            Delft University of Technology/NL
Carbon, C. C. (2007). Innovative Methods of Product Marketing, 2008
[EUR 24.882,--]

2008                            University of Vienna
Carbon, C. C. & Schabmann, A. (2007). Cascaded Blended Mentoring, Part 2, 2008.
[EUR 178.959,94]; Investitionsprojekt

2008                            University of Vienna
Carbon, C. C. (2007). State-of-the-art 3D face stimuli, 2008.
[EUR 44.000,--]

2008                            City of Vienna, MA7, “Wien Kultur” (Cultural Affairs)
Carbon, C. C. (2007). Cognitive Maps of Europe, 2008
[EUR 2.500,--]

2007                            Austrian Research Fund (?FG)/Austria
Carbon, C. C. (2007). Mobility Grant for Congress in Kona/USA, 2007
[EUR 700,--]

2007                           EU-Sokrates lecturer mobility grant for visiting the Humboldt University in Berlin

2006/2007                  EU-Sokrates lecturer mobility grant for a visiting lectureship at the University of Warsaw

2006                           Henry Ford Foundation, Award Winner
Carbon, C. C. & Leder, H. (2006). Psychological evaluation of switches haptics in car interiors, 2006-2009
[US$ 120.000,--]

2006                           FWF (Fonds zur F?rderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung)
Leder, H. & Carbon, C. C. (2006). 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 der ?sthetik. Die Dynamik von Innovation und Gefallen, 2006-2009
[EUR 214.958,--]

2005                           City of Vienna, MA7, “Wien Kultur” (Cultural Affairs)
Carbon, C. C. (2005). Kongenitale Prosopagnosie bei Kindern, 2006-2007
[EUR 3.000,--]

2005                           University of Vienna
Carbon, C. C. & H?lzl, E. (2005). e-learning: Kaskadiertes blended-mentoring System zur Studieneingangsphase in 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网, 2006-2008. Projektleitung: Carbon, C. C. & Schabmann, A.
[EUR 158.054,--]; Investitionsprojekt

2004                           Postbank Finance Award (highest endowed award for University projects in Germany)
Nomination for Carbon, C. C. et al. (2004). The future of Banking–between customer wishes and rentability.

2004                           Freie Universit?t Berlin, FU research committee
Carbon, C. C. (2004). Investigating congenital prosopagnosia, 2004-2005.
[EUR 7.360,--]

2004                           EU-Sokrates lecturer mobility grant for a visiting lectureship at the University of Glasgow
[EUR 4.000,--]

2002                           DGPs-grant (Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网; Prof. Wilkening, University of Zurich) for the workshop “Internet Research” held at the ZUMA in Mannheim

1998                           DAAD (German Academic Mobility Organization) travel grants for 2 short research visits at the Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA