Programme Profile

Explore the Cradle of Europe Through its Literature
The bachelor's degree programme is aimed at high-school graduates who are interested in exploring the intellectual culture of antiquity through its languages and literatures.
It furnishes graduates with an academic and career-oriented qualification which makes them eligible for master's studies in Classical Philology, Greek Studies or Latin Studies or another related master’s degree programme.
During the programme, students acquire a fundamental knowledge of the Latin language, Latin literary studies and classical cultures. They learn to analyse complex topics objectively. By studying classical sources, they learn to put the present into context and develop an intellectual affinity with European culture.
Programme Objectives
- Advanced command of Latin, Greek and the native language
- Acquisition and application of skills in literary and cultural studies
- Use of academic research literature
- Qualified interpretation of classical texts
- Acquisition of an understanding of the impact of classical literature, philosophy and culture on the present.
Bachelor of Arts in Classical Philology – Greek Studies | Latin Studies
Students of the Bachelor of Arts in Classical Philology with a focus on Greek or Latin Studies explore the intellectual history and culture of antiquity through Ancient Greek or Latin language and literature. Confident mastery of Ancient Greek or Latin is a central programme objective.
Applicants who do not know Ancient Greek may acquire the necessary proficiency during dedicated classes in their first semester.
Bachelor's students at Bamberg may study Greek or Latin Studies as a ...
- ... major subject for 75 ECTS points
- ... minor subject for 45 ECTS points or
- ... minor subject for 30 ECTS points.
Alternatively, Greek Studies and Latin Studies may be combined within the scope of the Bachelor of Arts programme.
For further details, please see the current module handbook!
(Copyright-Hinweise: Foto 1. Spalte [Plakat]: ? Universit?t Bamberg; Foto 2. Spalte [Teilbibliothek 4]: ? Universit?t Bamberg; Foto 3. Spalte [Studentengruppe]: ?