The Humanities Faculty Deans of Studies
Prof. Dr. Olaf Hoffjann

Prof. Dr. Olaf Hoffjann, Chair of Communication Science, especially Organisational Communication and Public Relations
(Term of office: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2025)
Enquiries via email: studiendekanat.guk(at)
The dean of studies can also be reached by telephone at the following number: 0049 (0) 951 - 863 - 2160
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Stricker

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Stricker, Chair of German Linguistics (as representative)
(Term of office: October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2025)
Enquiries via email: studiendekanat.guk(at)
The dean of studies can also be reached by telephone at the following number: 0049 (0) 951 - 863 - 2203
Assistant to the Humanities Faculty Deans of Studies

Monica Biasiolo, PD Dr. (temporal substitute)
Fischstra?e 5, room 02.30
The assistant to the faculty deans of studies can be reached
by email from monday till thursday at:
Tel.: 0049 (0) 951 - 863 - 1751
Appointments can be arranged by email at:
Isabel Stanoschek, M.A. (on parental leave)