Huwi international

Welcome to the website of the representative of internationalization for the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education (Huwi) at the University of Bamberg, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon!
The representative of internalization’s goal is to improve, expand and professionalize the internationalization of the whole Huwi faculty.
If you have any questions, please contact the persons responsible for internationalisation at the Faculty of Human Sciences (HuWi).
English as an Academic and Teaching Language
English is to be increasingly embedded as an academic and teaching language at the Huwi faculty.
In order to achieve this, we offer language courses (see below) aimed at supporting communication as well as scientific exchange in English. More information can be found here: (contact person: Don Watson, Sprachenzentrum)
We are also creating an increasing range of courses in order to reduce language barriers for our students abroad as well as to heighten our faculty’s appeal for students from other countries.
Current courses for English reading and writing skills can be found here.
Very Broad and Engaging Range of Courses
The humanities faculty is overall characterized by a very broad and engaging range of courses. This enables us to also offer courses on niche topics which heightens our attractiveness to foreign students.
In addition, professionally specific courses are offered that enable exchange students to receive credits which are acknowledged by their universities.
Current courses taught in English can be found here.
Studying Abroad / Transferable Credits
In order to find out more about how to transfer credits and how to prepare for and follow up on your stay abroad, please contact Dr. Katharina Scheffner.
Welcome Center
The Welcome Center is the University of Bamberg’s central service and contact centre for international scientists. More detailed information can be found here.
The International Office
The International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) is the central contact centre for international students of the University of Bamberg. More detailed information can be found here.
Scholarship Programs for Studying
The International Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt (AAA)) can support you to find the right scholarship for your study program and the university you would like to study at. Please directly contact the AAA for further information.
Our Bamberg Alumni that already spent part of their studies abroad, are gladly available to answer concrete questions abour specific universities abroad.