--- for exchange students only! You would like to obtain an academic degree? You will find more information here!

In my position as Erasmus Departmental Coordinator, I provide international exchange students with support in settling into everyday life at our University. Please feel free to contact me in case of any questions or problems concerning courses or course registration. Furthermore, I am the person responsible for signing your Learning Agreement, and will assist you in getting acquainted with the University of Bamberg.

Other University Advisory Services

International Office

  • The International Office is your first point of contact for any questions about studying at the University of Bamberg. They will provide you with all necessary information on application procedures, travel to Bamberg, accommodation and health insurance. You are not entirely sure which documents are required for your entry? Please visit this website for more information on formalities and organisation.
  • At the start of each new semester, the International Office offers preparatory courses for all arriving international students. The programme includes both basic and more advanced German language courses, introductory courses for the University’s various online services, and also trips to Bamberg’s surrounding areas.

>>> Further information provided by the International Office

Language Centre

  • International students may also attend special language courses offered by the University’s Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum). This offering is free of charge and comprises courses at various levels (A1 for beginners and C1 for advanced learners). All courses take place during regular lecture periods and are listed in UnivIS under the keyword “Deutsch als Fremdsprache”.
  • The programme Sprachenlernen zu zweit (language learning in pairs), focusing on cultural exchanges, is offered during regular lecture periods. Theatre workshops for international students are also offered on a regular basis.
  • Another opportunity to improve your German language skills is the Language Tandem Programme. You must register before the lecture period begins.

>>> Language Centre: German language courses for International Students

The University Library is your source for a large volume of literature and comprehensive information, and the University IT-Service provides a modern IT infrastructure. A number of recreational activities for your leisure time are available via the University’s Athletics Centre.

Studying at the University of Bamberg

Students studying in Bamberg for just one or two semesters as part of a non-degree exchange programme have the choice to attend nearly any course. They are not bound to any study and examination regulations. They have the opportunity to select courses focussing on their studies at their home universities and also on their personal interests. Exchange students within the Erasmus programme should keep in mind that their choice of courses must be discussed with the coordinator at their home university and laid out in a Learning Agreement.

The majority of courses offer open attendance but some will allow for only a limited number of participants or stipulate specific admission requirements. Exchange students may not have the option to take a final exam in certain courses.

Individual course schedules can be created in the UnivIS system by following the instructions provided here (in German). Furthermore, you can check the courses taught in English here or by checking UnivIS, following the instructions you can find here.

Any further questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions on the application process or exchange programme.

Many questions will be answered by the videos UniCoach from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration. The International Office of the University of Bamberg can help you with both general and organisational questions. Prof. Dr. Claus-Christian Carbon would be pleased to assist you if you have any doubts regarding your course choice.