You are facing an important decision: The choice of your field of study will not only significantly determine the next three to four years, but will also set the course for your future professional life.
Which degree programme is the right one for me? If you want to deal with people in various facets in your studies and career, the Faculty of Human Sciences is the right place for you. It makes a big difference whether you choose psychology or education.
Psychology and Education - What are the Differences?
Experience & Behaviour
Psychology describes and explains human experience and behaviour. It explores fundamental processes of learning, perception, thinking and emotions. It is about how people differ in their personalities and how their behaviour is influenced by social circumstances. It plays an important role in establishing general laws. Psychology is an empirical science that collects data in a targeted manner: in controlled experiments with reference to psychological theories.
Learning & Teaching
Education deals with approaches, theories and methods of learning and teaching. During your studies, you will deal intensively with education and learning at different ages, from early childhood to old age. Educational science also explores the development of educational institutions, the teaching profession and educational professionalism. In doing so, it uses hermeneutics, i.e. the science of understanding and interpreting, and empirical research methods.
Preliminary decision taken?
Let's go to the subject advisory service! If you have difficulties deciding between the individual subjects, then visit the respective subject advisory service for the degree programmes. The study advisors will be happy to help you!

Please note!
Most courses are taught in German. For enrollment and successful studies, you need good knowledge of German. If you have any questions, the subject advisory service is available to you.
Our International Office provides information for international students. Please clarify the entry and residence regulations that apply to your nationality in advance.
Bachelor's degree programmes
The Bachelor's degree programme in Education can be started in either the winter or summer semester. The degree programmes Vocational Education - Specialisation Social Education and Psychology can only be started in the winter semester.
Both Education and Vocational Education - Specialisation Social Education are free of admission for all subject semesters. As a formal admission requirement for the Bachelor's degree programme in Education, a preliminary internship of at least six weeks must be completed by the end of the first semester at the latest.
The Bachelor's degree programme in Psychology is subject to limited admission (numerus clausus). Applications are submitted via The application deadline is 15 June each year.
Subsidiary subject offerings for Bachelor students
Offers in the teacher training programme
Transitions Bachelor - Master
The standard period of study for Bachelor's degree programmes at the Faculty of Huwi is six or seven semesters. After passing the Bachelor's examination, the academic degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) or Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) is awarded. With a successfully completed Bachelor's degree, you have already obtained a first higher education degree that qualifies you for a profession and you can take up a Master's degree programme.
The various study options open up a wide range of possibilities to fully apply the competences acquired during the Bachelor's programme. In this way, you can open up interesting fields of activity and attractive career prospects. The standard period of study is between three and four semesters.
Please note that an application is always necessary before enrolling in a Master's degree programme. However, other formalities must also be fulfilled for access to some Master's degree programmes. This applies in particular to those degree programmes that have an aptitude test. You can find more information on this in the respective examination and study regulations.
Master's degree programmes
An application is required for the Master's degree programmes. Admission to the Master's programme in Psychology requires a university degree of at least six semesters or equivalent in psychology or school psychology totalling 180 ECTS credits with an overall grade of 3.0 or better. There is an aptitude test.
Admission to the Master's degree programme in Vocational Education and Training - Specialisation in Social Education requires the following: a seven-semester Bachelor's degree programme in Vocational Education and Training (210 ECTS credits) completed with a grade of at least 3.0 and a 24-week professional internship in a social education institution.
Admission to the Master's programmes in Empirical Educational Research, Educational Science and Adult Education/Continuing Education requires a university degree or equivalent with an overall grade of 2.5 or better. A Bachelor's degree with at least 180 ECTS credits is required. In addition, there are further requirements which can be found in the respective study and examination regulations.
- Vocational Education/Social Education
- Empirical Educational Research
- Adult Education/Continuing Education
- Education and Educational Science
- Psychology
- Psychology: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (start in WS 2022/23)
Master International
- Further education programme Educational Quality in Developing Countries