
Assignment of topics for seminars   


  • The presentation of the seminar topics takes place in the first seminar session during the first week of the semester (more information on UnivIS).
  • After the presentation of the topics, there is a one-week obligatory registration period in which students can choose a maximum of three preferred topics in the Virtual Campus (VC). The final assignment of topics is communicated after the one-week registration period.

Deadlines and procedure

  • Any deadlines and the exact course of the seminar will be announced in the first seminar session.
  • An assignment of topics outside the regular seminar schedule is not possible.


  • In order to write a thesis at our chair you should have passed at least two courses offered at our chair.    
  • The maximum number of participants is limited.  

Assignment of topics for bachelor or master theses    


  • Topics should cover the fields of international economics, international financial markets or industrial dynamics. In particular, we encourage students to work on topics revolving around distributional regularities in key economic variables. 
  • Since there exists no list of pre-formulated topics, students are highly encouraged to suggest topics from the fields mentioned above. In most cases, a literature survey will be requested. However, it may also be possible to conduct an empirical analysis.
  • The assignment of the topic as well as the final specification of the title will take place at the time of official registration, i.e. shortly before you start working on the thesis.

Deadlines and process

  • Ideally, the first contact with a member of the staff should occur four to six weeks before you start working on the thesis.
  • During this time, a first meeting with doctoral students/post-docs of the chair should be arranged in which you discuss possible topics regarding relevance and feasibility.
  • After familiarizing yourself with the topic, a preliminary working schedule should be fixed in a second meeting. 
  • If this schedule is accepted by Prof. Milakovi? the final specification of the title and the registration will take place.


  • In order to write a thesis at our chair you should have passed at least two courses offered by our chair.    
  • The maximum number of theses that can be supervised at the same time is limited by the capacities of the chair.    


In order to apply for a bachelor or master thesis, please provide us with the following documents:

1.     detailed CV

2.     transcript of records

3.     information on your scientific interests and possible topics for your thesis

Please send all the documents to evelyn.roeder(at)  


Please note: The topic you suggest should be qualified for a literature survey, i.e. please do not make suggestions along the lines of "I would like to write something about [typically a current catchword from the media]". Instead, you are expected to check the availability of appropriate literature for your topic beforehand that you could discuss with your supervisor in the first meeting (see point 2 under deadlines and process).

Hints for writing a paper or thesis

You find guidelines for writing a Bachelor or Master Thesis here(36.5 KB, 5 pages).

An introduction to the methods of academic writing is available here(757.7 KB, 41 pages).

A guide for finding, citing and documenting research data in social- und economic sciences can be found here

(Please note that both documents as well as the guide are in German.)