PD Dr. Philipp Mundt
Assistant Professor

Feldkirchenstr. 21
96052 Bamberg
Tel.: [+49] (951) 863-2584
EMail: philipp.mundt(at)uni-bamberg.de
Office hours: By appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Philipp Mundt studied economics and business administration at the University of Kiel. After completing his studies with degrees in economics and business administration, he became a research associate and doctoral candidate at the Chair of Economics, especially International Economics, at the University of Bamberg. He completed his PhD in economics with a cumulative dissertation on the topic A statistical equilibrium perspective on corporate profitability. Subsequently, he obtained his habilitation at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration at the University of Bamberg with a thesis titled Empirical regularities in production networks and the organization of industrial markets. He gave his habilitation lecture in March 2024 on the topic Global Trade and the Economic Challenges for Climate Policy. Philipp Mundt’s current research interests are in the areas of industrial and firm dynamics, production networks, and environmental economics.
Philipp Mundt received the science prize of the Deutsche Bundesbank for his diploma thesis Systemic risk and financial contagion in network models of the banking sector.
Peer effects in productivity and differential growth: a global value chain perspective with Ivan Savin, Uwe Cantner, Hiroyasu Inoue and Simone Vannucchini, Industrial and Corporate Change, 32 (6): 1267-1285, 2023 (DOI)
Drivers of productivity change in global value chains: Reallocation vs. innovation with Ivan Savin, Economics Letters, 220: 110878, 2022. (DOI)
- Survival and the ergodicity of corporate profitability with Mishael Milakovi? and Simone Alfarano, Management Science, 68 (5): 3726-3734, 2022, (DOI)
- The formation of input-output architecture: evidence from the European Union, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 183: 89-104, 2021. (DOI)
- Exploiting ergodicity in forecasts of corporate profitability with Mishael Milakovi? and Simone Alfarano, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 111: 103820, 2020. (DOI)
- Asymmetric competition, risk, and return distribution with Ilfan Oh, Economics Letters, 179: 29-32, 2019. (DOI)
- Gibrat's law redux: think profitability instead of growth with M. Milakovi? and S. Alfarano, Industrial und Corporate Change, 25 (4): 549-571, 2016. (DOI)
- The real versus the financial economy: A global tale of stability versus volatility with S. Alfarano, N. F?rster and M. Milakovi?, Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 8: 2014-17, 2014. (DOI)
Current projects
- The paradox of climate policy diffusion with Ivan Savin and Margherita Bellanca
- Input specificity and labor’s bargaining power: a production tree approach to functional inequality with Lasare Samartzidis and Jan Schulz
- Market selection in production chains with András Borsos, Ruben Durkó and Ivan Savin
- Financial fragility, risk, and competition with Ilfan Oh
- The impact of climate policies on the global carbon footprint of production with Ivan Savin
- Tie formation in global production chains with Alexander Hempfing
Teaching experience
- Macroeconomics 1 (Bachelor)
- Introduction to International Finance (Bachelor)
- International Monetary Economics (Master)
- Introduction to European and International Economics (Bachelor)
- Financial Engineering and Systemic Risk (Master)
- Macroeconomics 1 (Bachelor)
- Introduction to European and International Economics (Bachelor)