Admission and Enrollment

The prerequisites for admission to the M.A. Iranian studies program is to hold a university degree in the humanities or the social sciences. Proof of at least 15 ECTS in the field of oriental studies as well as at least 40 ECTS worth of Persian language courses are also prerequisites for admission.
Application and Enrollment
Our M.A. Iranian studies program is open enrollment (open admission). However, submitting an application is still mandatory.
The application deadline is on the same day as the enrollment deadline. Therefore, the students are able to submit their application on the last day of the enrollment period.
Application Documents
Your complete application should entail the following documents:
certificate of general higher education qualification (i.e. Abitur)
certificate of an acquired university degree (if a university certificate is not yet available, the student can submit it later on, exceptions apply to foreign applicants - please see below)
Proof of the academic courses taken within the degree program (i.e. transcript of records)
Please follow the instructions on the central application portal: Online-Application
Information for Foreign Students
Provisions apply to foreign educational qualifications and certificates. Documents need to be sent in addition by postal mail.
For this matter, please consult the central application portal as well: Online-Application
Information in English can be found here: Information in English
Please note the Q&A-pages of the student affairs office (Studierendenkanzlei). If students have further questions about the application process, please send an email to master.studierendenkanzlei(at)
The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademische Austauschdient - DAAD) has useful information about the university application process and about the recognition of foreign educational qualifications and certificates.
Information for prospective students with a disability or chronic illness
Prospective students with a disability or chronic illness can apply for special
to compensate for disadvantages caused by their disability.
If you have any questions about this, please contact the Office for Studies and Disability!