Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt
Chair Holder
University of Bamberg
Department of Longitudinal Educational Research
Wilhelmsplatz 3, Room 222
96047 Bamberg
Phone.: +49 951/863-2060
E-Mail: cordula.artelt(at)
consultation on demand
Brigitte Finke (Assistant)
Phone.: +49 951/863-2787
E-Mail: brigitte.finke(at)
Research Interests
- Reading Skills and Text Comprehension with Multiple Documents
- Digital and Data Related Competencies
- Metacognition and Self Regulated Learning
- Methods of large scale assessment
- Teacher judgements
Academic Background
2005: Habilitation: Venia legendi for Psychology and for Educational Research
1999: Doctoral Degree: Dr. phil. (Psychology), Potsdam University, Germany
1994: Diploma: Dipl. Psych., Freie Universit?t Berlin, Germany
Academic Positions
Since April 2019:
Full Professor and Chair of the Department of Longitudinal Educational Research
University of Bamberg
Since February 2019:
Director of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi)
April 2017 to January 2019:
Head of Department 1 “Competencies, Personality, Learning environments” of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi)
December 2005 to March 2019:
Full Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Research
University of Bamberg
September 1999 to November 2005:
Research Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Berlin (Prof. Dr. J. Baumert)
Winter Term 2004/2005:
Deputy Chair of Educational Psychology, University of Potsdam, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology
July 1994 to June 1999:
Research Scientist at the University of Potsdam, Department of Education, Psychological Didactic (Prof. Dr. J. Lompscher)
Research Projects
Ongoing Research Projects:
- ?New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences - Koordinations- und Managementsprojekt (CONNECT)” (Artelt/Kleinert/Liebig/Mehler/Pollak, 2024-2030) [547737313/SPP 2431, funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)
- ?New Data Spaces for the Social Sciences - Research Infrastructure and Innovation Lab (ENTAILab)” (Artelt/Kleinert/Liebig/Mehler/Pollak/Zinn, 2024-2030) [(539634240/SPP 2431, funded by DFG (German Research Foundation))
- ?LINEup - Longitudinal data for INequalities in Education” (13 applicants, 2024 - 2027) [funded by Horizon Europe]
- "DiSo-SGW: Digital Sovereignty as a Goal of Pioneering Teacher Education for Languages, Social Sciences, and Economics in the Digital World” (13 applicants, 2023-2025) [(01JA23S01B); funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- “DataLiteracy: Long-Term Monitoring of Digital and Data-Related Competencies of the German Population" (Artelt/Wolter/von Maurice, 2021-2026) [01JS2101; funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
Projects with completed funding:
- “Digital Formative Assessment (DiFA) – Unfolding its Full Potential by Combining Psychometrics with Learning Analytics” (Goldhammer/Drachsler/Artelt/Horz, 2020-2024) [K286/2019; funded by Leibniz Association]
- “Multilevel Design Parameters and Effect Size Benchmarks for Students’ Competencies (MULTI-DES)”(Brunner/Lüdtke/Artelt, 2018-2023) [BR 4393; funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)]
- “MultiTex-Transfer: Process Based Diagnostics of Text Comprehension with Multiple Documents” (Schoor/Artelt/Kr?hne/Hahnel/Goldhammer, 2020-2022) [01PK19008C; funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- “Identifying Risk and Protective Factors for the Development of Low Literacy and Numeracy among German Adults (GeLiNu)“ (Lechner, Rammstedt, Grotlüschen, Artelt, 2017-2020) [W143700C; funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- “Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analyses on the Development of Reading Behaviour, Attitudes toward Reading and and Reading Competences (ELKE)“ (2019-2020) [PF 804/2-2; funded by DFG (German Research Foundation); without direct funding]
- “WegE: Pioneering Teacher Education (Wegweisende Lehrerbildung)“ as part of the joint initiative ?Qualit?tsoffensive Lehrerbildung“ of the Federal Government and the Federal States” (2016 - 2023) [01JA1615; funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- “KulturLeBi: Culture in Teacher Education“. (5 applicants, 2017 – 2019) [01JK1602; funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- "REAching young adults with low ACHievement in literacy (REACH)“(Artelt/Ro?bach; 2016-2020) [funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- “MultiTex: Process-Based Diagnostics of Text Comprehension With Multiple Documents“ (Artelt/Schoor/Kr?hne/ Hahnel/Goldhammer, 2016 – 2019) [01PK15008A; funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- “Educational Careers at the End of Secondary School from a Sociological and a Psychological Perspective: Longitudinal Analyses of the Effect of Social Origin, Interests, Personality Traits, and Competences on Educational Decisions and Educational Attainment (BiKSplus [8-18])“ (2013-2019) [AR 301/10-1; funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)]
- "Teacher Judgment Accuracy: How do Task- und Student Variables Interact? (DIOMPAS)" (20116-2019) in cooperation with University of Luxembourg – DFG/FNR Lead Agency Procedure [AR 301/11-1; funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)]
- "Combined Effects of Training Musical Abilities and Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten Children with German as First and Second Language – Subproject Bamberg " (2012 – 2015) [01GJ1205B; funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- "Prerequisites, Structure and Effects of Teachers' Diagnostic Competence" (DFG Research Group BiKS) (2007-2015) [AR 301/6-1, AR 301/6-2 and AR 301/6-3; funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)]
- "Metacognitve Knowledge and Domain-specific Prior Knowledge in Secondary School Age: Developmental Trajectory of the Relation between both Knowledge Components“ (DFG Priority Programme 1293)" (2007 – 2015) [AR 301/8-1, AR 301/8-2 and AR 301/8-3 funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)]
- “The Development of Student’s Competences and Interests in Primary and Secondary School“. (DFG Research Group BiKS) (2008 – 2013) [AR 301/9-1 and AR 301/9-2, funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)]
- "National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) (2008 – 2013) [funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- "Dynamic Testing of Reading Competence: Assessing and Fostering Reading Competence by Means of Feedback and (Meta-)cognitive Aids Using Technology-based Assessments.“ (DFG-Priority Programme 1293) (2007 – 2011) [AR 301/7-1 and AR 301/7-2, funded by DFG (German Research Foundation)]
- "Short- and Long-term Effects of Training Phonological Awareness in Native and Non-native German Speaking Kindergarten Children – Subproject Bamberg (2009-2012) [01GJ0973, funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
- "Promotion of reading skills: Management of the preparation of the expertise “Promotion of reading skills" (Artelt/Baumert) funded by BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research)]
Member of Commissions and Advisory Boards
- Member of the Foundation Council of the Ravensburger Foundation (since 2022)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien (IWM) (since 2022)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the BMBF-funded Project BRIDGE – Practical professional education processes in legal and teaching traineeships as well as in medicine using digital media (2021 – 2023)
- Member of the Scientific and Policy Advisory Board of the Horizon 2020 Project PIONEERED, funded by EU (since 2021)
- Member of the Interdisciplinary Commission for Pandemic Research of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (since 2020)
- Member of the International Panel ?Data and Research Infrastructures for Humanities and Social Sciences“ of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (since 2020)
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS), Mannheim (since 2020)
- Member of Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (RatSWD) (German Data Forum) (2015 - 2020)
- Member of Senate and Joint Committee of the German Research Foundation (DFG) (2015 - 2019)
- Speaker of DFG-Research Group ?BiKS“ (Educational Processes, Competence Development and Selection Decisions in Preschool- and School Age) Member (2005 – 2014), Speaker (2013 – 2014)
Editorial Work
- Associate Editor of Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences (since 2019)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Discourse Processes (since 2016)
- Editor of Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 (ZEPP) [Jounal of Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology] (2012 to 2013 Main Editor, 2008 to 2012 Co-Editor)
- Member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal Learning and Instruction (2005 – 2009)
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische P?dagogische Forschung (AEPF)
[Working Group for Empirical Educational Research] - Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
[German Educational Research Association] - Deutsche Gesellschaft für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 (DGPs), Fachgruppe P?dagogische 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网
[German Psychological Society, Section Educational Psychology] - European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Special Interest Groups:
Metacognition, School Effectiveness - Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF)
[Society for Empirical Educational Research] - Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D)
Academic Administration
- Chair of Various Finding Commissions for Professors at the Faculty of Human Sciences
- Vice Dean (Research), Faculty of Human Sciences (2015 – 2017)
- Member of the Standing Ph.D Committee, Faculty of Human Sciences and Faculty of Humanities (2009 – 2017, Chair 2011 – 2013)