Programme Profil
The master’s degree programme in Computing in the Humanities (CitH), which was designed specifically for graduates of bachelor’s programmes in humanities and human science and education, is the only one of its kind in Germany. Knowledge acquired during undergraduate studies is expanded upon to incorporate expertise in Computer Science and Applied Computer Science in order to provide comprehensive qualifications for occupational fields in the Digital Humanities.
The innovative degree programme is exceptionally tailored to providing the skills necessary to work on interdisciplinary projects focused on system design and development in the individual fields of application. It is possible to pick an area of focus within the degree programme out of the following list:
Subjects from the field of Applied Computer Science:
- Computer Graphics,
- Explainable Machine Learning,
- Natural Language Processing,
- Information Visualisation,
- AI Systems Engineering,
- Cognitive Systems,
- Cultural Informatics,
- Media Informatics,
- Human-Computer Interaction,
- Multimodal Intelligent Interaction,
- Natural Language Generation and DIalogue Systems,
- User Experience and Design
Subjects from the field of Computer Science:
- Algorithms and Complexity Theory,
- Data Engineering,
- Experimental Software Technology,
- Informatics Theory,
- Mobile Software Systems/Mobility,
- Privacy and Security in Information Systems,
- Software Technologies,
- Systems Programming,
- Computer Networks,
- Distributed Systems
This degree programme is offered in three variants, or “tracks,” in order to both suit candidates who did not complete a Computer Science minor in their previous studies, as well as candidates who already have a minor comprising either 30 or 45 ECTS-Points.
This means that specific, IT-based knowledge from previous studies is not a prerequisite for this master’s degree programme, but rather students are expected to have a genuine interest in Digital Humanities and be open to explore selected subject matters in Computer Science.
Continue to Structure and Curriculum.