Before the start of classes: obligatory appointments

During the week before classes start again, new MA students of English and American Studies need to attend three obligatory appointments. 

1. Placement Test

This English language proficiency test is obligatory for all new students of the Institute of English and American Studies and you are only exempt from it if you are a native speaker. If you fail to attend the test, you are not allowed to take any courses of the Institute and might have to prolong your course of studies. This 90-minute multiple-choice-test covers questions about vocabulary, grammar and text comprehension.

The test will be held in person. Please see above for time and date.

2. Orientation Meetings: digital and in person

In the first meeting on Zoom, you will be given all kinds of information relevant to your study success in Bamberg, e.g. information about the programme's structure and how you can register for classes and build your own timetables. In the personal meeting in the week before classes start, you will meet some of your professors and your academic advisor and after that attend a short timetable workshop that only checks your personal timetables. You will have two weeks between these two meetings to put together your plan for the semester and register for courses and your academic advisors will confirm that your course selection is adequate. Please note that not attending these meetings will lead to serious problems during the course of your studies!

Thess meeting will be held online and in person. Please see above for times and dates.

International Student Support

Studying in a new town or even in a new country can be a challenging yet exciting experience. To help you start in Bamberg as well as manage organisational and administrative issues during your programme the International Office provides extra support for international students on their website.

The Welcome Center also offers workshop on “living in Bamberg” and “first steps in Bamberg”. New students will receive links to these workshops in our first contact email. If you do not receive such an email within one week after receiving your admission letter, please contact us via maseas.englit(at)uni-bamberg to make sure you get all important information.

Workshop Academic Research

This two-part workshop helps you find your way around the library in Bamberg and helps you access the university library catalogue and databases. You will learn about planning and researching presentations and term papers and your tutor will help you stick to the academic standards of the Institute of English and American Studies and maintain academic integrity. This workshop is particularly relevant for those students who have never had to write term papers or give presentations, but we recommend all new students to take part in it.

Please note that the workshop consists of two different parts and students should attend the indicated appointments.

Please see above for time and date.

Your tutor: Amelie Biersack
Contact: hiwi.maeas.englit(at)