The degree program provides an excellent knowledge combination of economics and methodological skills and also offers the opportunity to deepen a foreign language of economics. After graduation, a broad field of professional opportunities will open up to you since the study of economics does not deal with the solution of a few special problems but rather provides you with the tools with which you can meet the constantly changing professional challenges. The wide range of elective options within your EES degree allows you to set individual focal points and thus sharpen your own profile. Thus, EES students with a Master's degree have very good chances of applying as qualified candidates in the increasingly internationalized job market.
Economists work, for example
- in ministries
- in central banks
- in commercial banks and insurance companies
- in international organizations and associations
- in universities and research institutions
- in media and journalism
- as well as in many other positions in government institutions and national and international companies.
With a good to very good master's degree, there is also the possibility of a doctorate, among other things, within the framework of the doctoral program "Bounded Rationality, Heterogeneity and Network Effects".
Voices on the study at University of Bamberg

As an EES master's student, you receive good support throughout your studies and have a great deal of freedom in your choice of subjects so that you can follow your individual interests.
Sebastian Scheiel, Trainee Lawyer
German Central Bank
"My first position in the Economics Department of the Scientific Services of the German Bundestag required exactly the mix of economic theory and economic practice offered in Bamberg."
Dipl.-Volkswirt M. Hilger, Desk Officer, German Bundestag - Administration, International Relations Department