Subject Advisory Service

Christiane Reinshagen
Room F21/03.59
Feldkirchenstr. 21
96052 Bamberg
Telephone.: +49 951 863-2504
E-Mail: studienberatung.bwl[at]

Today's markets are global and many companies therefore operate internationally. Exports and imports are just as important for the German economy as a presence abroad through, for example, sales offices, logistics centres, procurement offices or production facilities. The associated tasks require employees who have not only acquired comprehensive business management skills, but also linguistic and cultural competences in order to manage these tasks in a targeted and successful manner.

The international business world offers graduates of the programme interesting professional challenges and opportunities: responsibility for foreign business partners, secondment to a branch of a company or a career path of their own to other countries in order to develop professionally in companies there.

The Bamberg International Business Administration prepares students optimally for employment in such internationally active companies, but also in other organisations with international tasks, where economic thinking that goes beyond national requirements is in great demand.

In addition to business start-ups and self-employment, graduates can also work in banks, insurance companies, (online) retail, (advertising) agencies, market research companies and in many areas of industry. Associations, NGOs or international organisations such as the EU and the UN are also possible for Bamberg graduates.

The international specialisation geared towards the labour market opens up interesting fields of activity in various functional corporate areas, such as controlling, finance, sales and marketing, human resources, but of course also in organisation, logistics, accounting, tax consultancy, supply chain management and innovation management.

Following the Master's programme, graduates can deepen the knowledge and skills they have acquired in a doctorate. It is possible to do a doctorate in all areas of business administration, provided that the requirements set out in the doctoral regulations are met.

Structure of the Master's programme

The academically oriented Master's degree programme in International Business Administration includes compulsory and compulsory elective modules, whereby the modules are grouped together. The programme begins with the acquisition of business knowledge in one of the three Bamberg Business Administration specialisations. This knowledge is supplemented in a further group of interdisciplinary modules and combined with a period of study abroad. While abroad, students have the opportunity to attend further courses in a new cultural environment or to apply previously acquired knowledge in the context of an internship in a suitable industrial company. The programme concludes with a scientifically oriented Master's thesis.

Students who choose the Master's degree programme International Business Administration complete modules in the following module groups:

Study structureECTS credits

Business administration specialisation

  • Finance & Accounting
  • Human resources management and Innovation
  • Value Chain Management
Business Administration Research6
Interdisciplinary competences (Offers from neighbouring disciplines / Business Language)36
Study abroad / Intership abroad18
Master Thesis24

Good Reasons to Study with Us

Living internationality in Bamberg

In Bamberg, we strike a balance between a sound academic business studies programme and the development of comprehensive international skills, particularly as part of our integrated study abroad programme. Our graduates are able to operate in an international environment in a goal-orientated manner and successfully deal with specific challenges in multinational companies. With a large number of Erasmus students, a lively student life and visitors from all over the world, Bamberg is an excellent starting point for building your own international network.

The world heritage site is our campus

Thanks to its historic city centre, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bamberg is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. With around 80,000 inhabitants and around 11,000 students, Bamberg offers an ideal setting for successful studies with flair.

The attractive location on the edge of Franconian Switzerland also offers a wide range of opportunities for sports and leisure activities to balance out the intensive academic work during your studies. The general advantages of a smaller city should also not be neglected - such as the relatively low cost of living or simply the high level of public safety.

Not least because of the advantages mentioned above, the University of Bamberg is also very popular with foreign students.

Your Qualifications

Admission to the Master's degree programme in International Business Administration requires a degree in business administration or a comparable degree programme worth at least 180 ECTS credits. Comparable degree programmes are Business Informatics, Business Law, Industrial Engineering, Law, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Medicine. In addition, the following knowledge must be demonstrated:

  • A business administration component of at least 90 ECTS credits
  • An law, economics and methods component of at least 40 ECTS credits, comparable to the module group Law, Economics and Methods of the Bachelor's programme in Business Administration according to the applicable study and subject examination regulations for the Bachelor's programme in Business Administration at the University of Bamberg

In addition, the aptitude test must be successfully completed. The required 50 points can either be achieved directly, through a final grade of 2.5 or better, or the final grade can be upgraded on the basis of additional achievements. Up to 20 points can be achieved in this way.

Career prospects & Doctorate after the Master's programme

For a career in academia, the Master's programme is usually followed by a doctorate. This can be undertaken at the University of Bamberg within the framework of the Bamberg Graduate School of Business Administration (BaGSB).

Are you about to graduate? Take a look at the central offers for career planning and for alumni:

>>>Career Days at the University of Bamberg

>>>Offers for alumni