Visiting Professor for Cultural Studies of the Middle East
The position of the Visiting Professor will regularly be filled for one or two semester.
The Visiting Professors enriches the academic and intellectual life of our master's programme with their special research profile and their excellence in teaching. They supervise the module "Theories und Methods" and help our students to organize the final workshop in the summer term.
Prof. Dr. Eszter Sp?t - Religi?se Minderheiten im Fokus

Prof. Sp?t arbeitet insbesondere zu religi?sen Minderheiten des Nahen und Mittleren Ostens: Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den yezidischen Traditionen, Transformationsprozessen und Konzepten der Verschriftlichung. Sie ist seit 2002 regelm??ig mit ihren Forschungsprojekten im Nord-Irak unterwegs. Neben zahlreichen Artikeln u.a. zur religi?sen Identit?tsbildung, hat sie auch zwei (in der TB4 verfügbare) Bücher ver?ffentlicht The Yezidis (Saqi, 2005) und Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition (Gorgias, 2010). Ihre Filmproduktionen “Following the Peacock: The Yezidis” und die Kurz-Dokumentation “The N?shans of the Yezidis of Northern Iraq” sind Teil ihres anthropologischen Forschungsansatzes. Im akademischen Jahr 2022/23 hat sie als Gastprofessorin unser Programm mitgestaltet
Prof Dr Stefan Knost - early modern and modern history

Prof. Dr. Stefan Knost is fascinated by the urban centres of the Ottoman Empire, especially the city of Aleppo. As a historian, he is primarily concerned with the transformation processes that these urban centres underwent in the 18th and 19th centuries. He discovers his sources in Arab, Turkish and French archives. However, the most important sources are certainly the cities themselves with their architecture and urban structures. The Islamic foundation system (waqf) reflects many of these transformations. Prof Knost provides insights into this topic in his podcast "The Fabric of Cities" (only available in German).
In recent years, he has been involved in compiling the recently published Aleppo Heritage Catalogue at the Museum of Islamic Art in Berlin, which documents Aleppo's most important monuments in their historical development and current state.
"I'm looking forward to coming back to Bamberg, after all I spent a few years here during my studies and especially to working with my colleagues at the Institute of Oriental Studies."
Prof. Dr. Eszter Sp?t - Religious Minorities in Focus

Prof. Sp?t focuses on religious minorities in Northern Iraq, especially on Yezidi oral traditions and the role of religion in Yezidi identity formation within the framework of modern Iraqi politics. Beside numerous articles on her research, she published two books (available at the TB4): The Yezidis (Saqi, 2005) and Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition (Gorgias, 2010). She also produced the anthropological movie, “Following the Peacock” on Yezidi ritual life, and a short documentary “The N?shansof the Yezidis of Northern Iraq” on Yezidi sacred objects. She supported our programme in the academic year 2022/23.
CV(127.3 KB)
Prof. Dr. Christian Junge – Literature from the Perspective of Cultural Studies

In the academic year 2022-23 we were proud to welcome Prof. Dr. Christian Junge as a visiting professor at Schillerplatz. Prof. Junge is particularly interested in classical and modern Arabic literature as well as postcolonial language criticism and scientific Arabic. He recently published an Introduction to Arabic Studies(241.7 KB, 1 page). An insight into his recent research work "Affective Readings. Society and Emotion in Egyptian Literature 1990-2020" is offered in this project presentation.
Prof. Junge is offered several exciting events as part of the Elite Master's Programme Cultural Studies of the Middle East, including "Rethinking Protest in the Middle East! New Approaches to Culture and Politics Ten Years after the 'Arab Spring'" or "Scientific Arabic: Classics and New Publications of Arabic Literature and Cultural Studies on Modernity". Under his supervision, students of our programme organized the inspiring workshop "Beyond the Street: Cultural Forms of Contemporary Protest in the MENA Region" (July 2022).
CV(233.6 KB, 6 pages)
Publications(253.8 KB, 3 pages)
Prof. Dr. Abdulhamit K?rm?z?

Prof. Dr. Abdulhamit K?rm?z? (Istanbul ?ehir University) filled the Visiting Professorship in the academic year 2020/21 and shared his expertise with us. Prof. K?rm?z? works on late Ottoman history and its public and regioanl administration. He focuses on prosopographic and biographical sources on officials of that period.
CV and Publications(249.3 KB)
Institute of Oriental Studies
Schillerplatz 17, room 00.09
96047 Bamberg
Tel.: +49 (0)951 863 2207
Prof. Dr. Tiana Koutzarova

In the academic year 2019-20 Prof. Dr. Tiana Koutzarova joined our institute as Visiting professor of the Cultural Studies of the Middle East.
Prof. Koutzarova is a philosopher with focus on the intellectual history of the islamicate world. After her studies in St. Petersburg, Bonn and Erlangen she was researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Oriental and Asian Studies and the Insitute for Philosophy at the University of Bonn, Assistant Professor in Philosophy at the Al-Ain University in the United Arab Emirates and Assistant Professor (Philosophy Program) at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in Qatar. Prof. Koutzarova is convinced that ?the Arabic language as lingua franca of the islamicate world should receive its rightful place as source language in historical research and philosophy.“
Prof. Dr. Tiana Koutzarova
Institut für Orientalistik
Universit?t Bamberg
Schillerplatz 17, 96047 Bamberg
Prof. Dr. Charlotte Bank - Modern Art in Theory and Practices

In summer semester 2019 Prof. Dr. Charlotte Bank took up the Visiting Professorship of our Elite Master's program Cultural Studies of the Middle East. Her research focuses on contemporary art and artistic practice in the Middle East. Prof. Bank is not only a former fellow of the Stiftung Preu?ischer Kulturbesitz (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), but beyond academic institutions also a curator of numerous international art projects.
"It was a pleasure to work with colleagues from various disciplines.“, Prof. Bank states, ?I think, these synergy effects are valued greatly by our students.“
Prof. Dr. Charlotte Bank
Institut für Orientalistik
Universit?t Bamberg
Schillerplatz 17, 96047 Bamberg
Prof. Dr. Hanan Toukan in Bamberg

In the winter semester 2018/19 Prof. Toukan filled the position of the Visiting Professor in our MA program "Cultural Studies of the Middle East". Until recently, she was Visiting Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies and History of Art and Architecture at Brown University. Her work sits at the intersection of visual cultures, cultural studies disciplines and the politics of the Middle East.
Prior to her academic career, she worked in the arts and culture sector where she
collaborated with artists, activists and writers. Prof. Toukan says: "I was very gratefull of having been part of this formidable research and teaching program committed to expanding students."
CV(67.4 KB, 1 page)
Publications(123.6 KB, 3 pages)
Prof. Dr. Hanan Toukan
Institut für Orientalistik
Universit?t Bamberg
Schillerplatz 17, 96047 Bamberg
Changing Perspectives: Prof. Dr. Elke Hartmann

In the first year of our master's programme (2017/18) Prof. Elke Hartmann accepted the Guest Professorship and enriched the academic and intellectual life in our Institute. "I appreciated the interdisciplinary cooperation very much", Prof. Hartmann states.
Together with the students, in the summer term she organized an international workshop about travellers and their literatures "Reisende in und aus dem Orient und ihre Literatur (2.4 MB)" (Bamberg, 12.-13.07.2018). She is also supervising the publication of the proceedings (expected autumn 2022).
"In my research and teaching I aim to change perspectives: from national(ist) views to phenomena of plurality, hybridity and entanglement, from male elites in the imperial centers to marginalized regions, communities and social groups."
CV (100.2 KB)
Prof. Dr. Elke Hartmann
Institut für Orientalistik
Universit?t Bamberg
Schillerplatz 17, 96047 Bamberg