Master Psychology

This page offers you an initial overview of the study programme.
Programme objectives:
120 ECTS-points in advanced knowledge and skills in psychological diagnostics and assessment, research methods and empirical research in psychology as well as advanced knowledge and skills in the applied fields of a) clinical psychology, b) cognition, development and education and c) personal and organizational psychology.
Structure of the study programme B.Sc. in Psychology
A detailed description of the modules can be found in the ?Modulhandbuch“ (only available in German):
/fileadmin/abt-studium/Modulhandbuecher/HuWi/B.Sc_M.Sc_188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网/Master/MHB_Master_188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网.pdf(1.7 MB, 43 pages)
Good reasons to study with us
An excellent learning environment
Our ratio of academic staff to students is above average, the contact between students and staff are frequent and the general study athmosphere is outstanding.
Internationality and a dedicated student body
Owing to its partnership with approximately 300 other universities, the University of Bamberg is especially colourful and international.
We regularly achieve top positions in the ranking for Psychology study programmes in Germany:
Information on living and studying in Bamberg:
Your qualifications
For information on how to apply and what qualifications you need, please visit