Design and Summary of Modules

Pursuing the master's degree programme Survey Statistics, 120 ECTS credit points - according to the European Credit Transfer System - must be achieved in compulsory and mandatory modules. Assuming that four semesters are needed to complete the course of studies students have to frequent courses in the amount of 30 ECTS points averagely each semester. One ECTS credit point corresponds to a workload of approximately 30 hours.
The master' degree programme contains seven module groups:
1. Basics of Survey Statistics (30 ECTS-points)
The module Basics of Survey Statistics provides substantiated knowledge of the methods of modern econometrics and survey sampling. Moreover interactions between sources of errors are reviewed and the development of surveys - starting from questions to the evaluation of data - is taught and practised. Additionally the application of the acquired statistical and econometric knowledge using established statistical software like R is communicated.
2. Computational Statistics (4 - 14 ECTS-points)
Additionally, the theoretically acquired statistical an econometric basic knowledge is not only practically applied in the module group Computational Statistics with the statistical software R and other modern statistical software, but also basic as well as advanced programmation skills are acquired. Also a profound introduction to data analysis and different simulation methods is offered.
3. Survey Methodology (12 - 24 ECTS-points)
The modules of the module group Survey Methodology serve to deepen the already acquired theoretical skills and to build practical expertise. Thereby the emphasis is on the methodology of collecting and analyzing of empirical data. The options of specialization prepare for professional tasks and inspire own research activities.
4. Survey Statistics (12 - 24 ECTS-points)
Also in the module group Survey Statistics diversified possibilities to get to know, to deepen and to practice fundamental knowledge of Survey Statistics. Besides the basics of analyzing incomplete data focussing multiple imputation, the basic principles of statistical theory are taught. In addition, deepened skills of specific distribution models or estimation techniques could be acquired.
5. Application (0 - 12 ECTS-points)
Furthermore the module Application provides the possibility to acquire or improve skills multidisciplinary in other subjects, to deepen existing qualifications or to gain intherdisciplinar insight in the professional competences in e.g. Political Science, Sociology, Business Administration or Economics, as well as Psychology or Computer Science.
6. Research and Practice (0 - 16 ECTS-points)
In the module group Research and Practice offers the chance to consolidate practically the theoretically acquired skills and to collect valuable professional and personal experience. Participating in a Research Project and/or taking part in an Internship provides the opportunity to gain insight in future job areas and to network professionally.
7. Master Thesis and Colloquim (30 ECTS-points)
The Master Thesis including a Colloquium completes the studies. With the Master Thesis the competence to become acquainted during a given time frame with an interesting research topic, to analyze scientifically and to discuss the results in written form. In the concluding Colloquium the gained insights should be exposed efficiently and presentation skills should be demonstrated.