News 02/25/2025 GSCL MicroGrant awarded Sabine Weber receives a GSCL MicroGrant for their project proposal "A Cross-Task Personalization Corpus for Emotion Classification, Humor Detection… 10/12/2024 Papers published at EMNLP BamNLP publishes two papers at the EMNLP conference in Miami in November 10/12/2024 New Postdoc: Sean Papay joins BamNLP Sean Papay joins the BamNLP group as a new postdoc 08/08/2024 Four papers presented at ACL Four papers presented by BamNLP members at the ACL conference in Bangkok, Thailand 08/05/2024 Three new group members BamNLP welcomes three new members 07/18/2024 Enrica Troiano receives the GSCL Award for her dissertation Enrica Troiano receives the GSCL Award for her dissertation with the title "Where are emotions in text? A human-based and computational investigation… 07/10/2024 Welcome Jiahui! New group member 05/15/2024 Two papers presented at LREC-COLING 2024 in Turin. We will be represented at the LREC-COLING next week with two papers. 03/13/2024 Paper accepted at NAACL 2024 Paper accepted for the Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: "You are an expert annotator":… 03/07/2024 New Chair/Research Group The chair for Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing starts to exist!