Welcome to National Model United Nations (NMUN) - the largest simulation conference of the United Nations! As part of the NMUN journey, you will have the unique opportunity to explore New York City and Washington DC, visit prestigious UN institutions and collaborate with like-minded individuals to tackle the global challenges of our time. 

This special opportunity is open to students of all majors!

To get an insight into what makes NMUN so special, watch our project film here.

If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us at nmun(at)uni-bamberg.de. We are at your service throughout the entire application process. We look forward to receiving your application!

You can find more information about BaMUN here(5.8 MB) in the presentation of our last information evening!

Who can apply?

Bachelor's and teacher training students from the second semester and Master's students from the first semester can apply. It is important to us that students from any subject area are willing and able to take part in the project. Comprehensive theoretical knowledge of politics is not a prerequisite for a successful application.

Structure of the Project

Over the course of the semester, you will participate in various activities that will give you a deeper understanding of the United Nations and its role as a global organization. The project consists of the following components:

  • Seminar: A weekly seminar of 1.5 hours each focusing on the United Nations as an international organization
  • Tutorial: A weekly tutorial of 4 hours each, where tutors will provide you with the necessary skills to be well prepared for the upcoming simulation conferences.
  • Excursions: Visits to prestigious institutions beyond the seminar rooms with impressive field trips to Berlin and Washington DC.
  • Conferences: Participation in the simulation conferences in Bamberg, Erlangen, Erfurt and New York.

Project Costs

To cover the costs associated with the project, the total price for each participant is approximately €700. These are to be paid in advance. In addition, participants are responsible for their own travel to the USA. We strive to organize sponsors and academic grants to keep the financial burden as low as possible. It is possible that participants will be reimbursed a portion of the amount paid at the end of the project. This usually takes place in July or August.

Application Process

The application process consists of two phases:

Phase 1: Email your application to nmun(at)uni-bamberg.de by September 1, 2024.

Your application should include the following:

  • A CV in tabular form (one page) highlighting experience and skills relevant to the project.
  • A letter of motivation (250-300 words) explaining your passion for global affairs, the United Nations and your desire to participate in NMUN
  • An essay (300-400 words) addressing the following topic: "The Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework". Take the position of a representative of Sweden in the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) and present your ideas accordingly (1st paragraph - Description of the problem/purpose of the agreement; 2nd paragraph - What has Sweden already done in this context?; 3rd paragraph - What are 3 suggestions from Sweden to address the problem on a global level?)

Formatting requirements (motivation letter and essay): Font size: 12 point, Font: Times New Roman, Line spacing: single, Margins: 3 cm.

All documents must be submitted in English.

Phase 2: If your application is successful in the second phase, you will be invited to an interview in September 2024.