LACIM 2022 International Conference

The European research network on linguistics and languages of the Anatolia-Caucasus-Iran-Mesopotamia area (LACIM), which has been set up in 2020, organized its 1st International Conference on 16-18 September 2022 at INALCO / Labex EFL, Paris. Website: lacim.net

International workshop: "Post-predicate elements across the languages of Western Asia"

The Department for General Linguistics hosted the International workshop on Post-predicate elements across the languages of Western Asia: Theoretical and empirical approaches on 22-23 September 2022.

For more information see here.


Workshop: "Corpus-based typology: spoken language from a cross-linguistic perspective" (Hamburg, 4-5.03.2020)

Convenors: Geoffrey Haig & Stefan Schnell (Institut für Orientalistik, Universit?t Bamberg)

The workshop brings together researchers who have been advancing corpus-based research into questions of broader typological and theoretical relevance, in particular the role of different kinds of data (uncontrolled, indigenous genres vs experimentally elicited texts), methods of corpus annotation, and general issues of cross-linguistic comparability.

Find a short outline of the workshop and slides from workshop presentations on the workshop website.


Workshop: "Post-predicate elements in Iranian and neighbouring languages" (6-7.09.2019)

In Zusammenarbeit mit Professor Mohammad Rasekh-Mahand von dem Department of Linguistics at the Bu-Ali-Sina University of Hamedan, Iran, richten wir ein Workshop zum Thema:

"Post-predicate elements in Iranian and neighbouring languages" (6-7.09.2019).

An dem Workshop nehmen eingeladene G?ste aus dem In- und Ausland teil. Der Workshop ist für die interessierte ?ffentlichkeit offen.

Gef?rdert wird der Workshop mit Mitteln des Elitestudienganges Cultural Studies of the Middle East (Link); weitere Finanzierung ist ebenfalls beantragt.

Ein Position Paper mit Hintergrund zum Thema finden Sie hier(251.3 KB, 13 pages).

Fourth International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics, Universit?t Rouen

After three conferences in Bamberg (2013), Mardin (2014) and Amsterdam (2016), the 4th International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics (ICKL-4) will take place at the University of Rouen (Université de Rouen) on September 2-3, 2019. The event is organized by the Research Laboratory 7474 DYLIS (Dynamique du Langage in Situ) at the University of Rouen.


Workshop: Refining the questionnaire for the Atlas of the Languages of Iran

University of Bamberg

7th–8th July 2017


This workshop will bring together a group of about fifteen scholars, ranging from experts in the field to early career researchers who are active in language documentation and description. Here, scholars will focus on the refinement of the draft questionnaire for the Atlas of the Languages of Iran (test version: iranatlas.net, which has been used to collect language data in 30 locations in western Iran over the past year. Workshop participants will themselves have the opportunity to apply the questionnaire (available at: carleton.ca/iran/questionnaires/) beforehand, and to present questionnaire-related and language data-related findings at the workshop. Among other goals, the workshop seeks to better adapt or supplement the draft questionnaire – which was initially designed with the Iranic family in mind – for other language families in Iran, with a focus on Semitic and Turkic.

Organizing Committee
Erik Anonby, Carleton University and University of Bamberg
Geoffrey Haig, University of Bamberg
Mortaza Taheri-Ardali, Shahrekord University

Conference Homepage: Link

Kurdish Language Autumn School (KLAS2017)

University of Bamberg

September 4–15, 2017


Set in the heart of the beautifully-preserved medieval city of Bamberg, this two-week Autumn School offers intensive language courses in the main varieties of Kurdish, plus a mix of workshops and seminars by leading experts in the field of Kurdish linguistics. KLAS2017 is hosted by the Institute for Oriental Studies at the University of Bamberg.

Sorani and Kurmanji will be offered at two levels for the full duration of the course, while shorter courses in Hawrami and Zazaki will also be available. Additionally, participants may choose from a variety of afternoon workshops, for example close reading of literary and academic Kurmanji, selected topics in sociolinguistics, or comparative Kurdish morphosyntax. Participants in the language courses will be eligible for earning European Credit Transfer points.

Organizing Committee

<link aspra mitarbeiter prof-dr-geoffrey-haig>Geoffrey Haig, University of Bamberg
Ergin ?pengin, Bo?azi?i University, Istanbul
Jaffer Sheyholislami, Carleton University, Ottawa


3rd International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics in Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
August 25-26, 2016


After two conferences in Bamberg (August 2013) and Mardin (October 2014), the 3rd International Conference on Kurdish Linguistics (ICKL) will take place at the University of Amsterdam on August 25-26, 2016. The event is jointly organized by the Department of General Linguistics at the University of Bamberg and the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication.

The conference serves as a forum of scientific exchange for linguists working on any aspect of Kurdish, including the interactions with its neighboring languages. Accordingly, we welcome contributions which address these issues from the perspectives of various subdomains of linguistics, such as sociolinguistics, descriptive and typologically-oriented analyses of phonology and morphosyntax, formal approaches to the grammar, grammaticalization and historical development, pragmatics, language acquisition, language contact, and corpus linguistics.

Keynote speaker: Don Stilo (MPI Leipzig, now retired)

Conference Homepage: Link

Workshop on Nakh-Daghestanian languages in Bamberg

University of Bamberg, April 15-16, 2016.


University of Bamberg
Department of General Linguistics
Obere Karolinenstra?e 8

Seminarraum R 204 (second floor)

96049 Bamberg

Organizers: Diana Forker & Dima Ganenkov

Tel. +49-951-8633928

Please find the workshop program and presenations via the following link.


MaLT Symposium in Bamberg


Methods and Linguistic Theories

University of Bamberg, 27.-28. November 2015

The Bamberg Graduate School of Linguistics is organizing a symposium on research methods in linguistics, which will take place November 27th - 28th 2015 at the University of Bamberg, Germany.

For further details, registration and contact information, please follow the link.


Second International Conference on Variation and Change in Kurdish

Department of Kurdish Language and Culture, Institute of Living Languages, Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin/Turkey

8th October 2014 – 9th October 2014

Organising committee

Ergin ?pengin, University of Bamberg
Songül Gündo?du, University of Bo?azi?i
Behrooz Shojai, Mardin Artuklu University

Background and Aims
The last two decades have witnessed a rapid increase in interest for the Kurdish language, within both academia in the narrow sense and in the fields of educational policies, and in Kurdish arts and literatures. Although a number of important advances have been made in all these areas, within Kurdish linguistics, there remains a persistent lack of theoretically informed and empirically grounded research on actual language usage, and the various dimensions of variation within the Kurdish speech community: regional, age-based, gender-based, attitudinal, or socio-economically motivated. Likewise, there have been few serious attempts at relating synchronic variation to diachronic change.

This conference aims to bring together scholars working on different varieties of Kurdish and neighbouring languages who share an awareness and appreciation of variation as pivotal in the analysis of contemporary Kurdish and in reconstructing its historical development.

For further details, please follow the link.

Summer School in Bamberg

30. June 2014 - 11. July 2014

Documentary Linguistics and Variationist Sociolinguistics

An unserem Lehrstuhl wird eine Sommerschule angeboten, bei der Studierende und Doktoranden die M?glichkeit haben werden, zwei Wochen bei hiesigen und ausw?rtigen Dozenten intensiv Kurse und Workshops zum Thema "Language documentation and variationist sociolinguistics" zu besuchen. Nach Wunsch ist es m?glich, unter Betreuung der Dozenten, eigene Projektvorhaben vorzustellen und weiter zu entwickeln.

Die Sommerschule wird finanziert durch das F?rderprogramm zur Internationalisierung der Hochschulen des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website der Sommerschule hier


Fifth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL5) in Bamberg

24th – 26th August 2013

Department of General Linguistics, University of Bamberg

Keynote Speakers
Bernard Comrie, Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig
?va Jeremiás, E?tv?s Lorand University, Budapest

Organising Committee
Geoffrey Haig

Carina Jahani

Agnes Korn

Pollet Samvelian

For further details, please follow the link.

International Workshop on Variation and Change in Kurdish in Bamberg

29th – 30th August 2013

Department of General Linguistics, University of Bamberg

Organising Committee
Ergin ?pengin

Geoffrey Haig

Confirmed Speakers
Songül Gündo?du, Bogazici University, Turkey
Zaniar Naghshbandi, Bu-Ali University, Hamedan, Iran
Thomas Jügel, Frankfurt University, Germany
M. ?erif Derince, Mimar Sinan University, Turkey
Paul M. Noorlander, Leiden University, Netherlands
Christoph Unger, University of Mainz, Germany
Lokman Turgut, University of Erfurt, Germany
Eleanor Coghill, University of Constance, Germany
Geoffrey Haig, University of Bamberg, Germany
Ergin ?pengin, Lacito-CNRS, Paris / University of Bamberg, Germany

For further details, please follow the link.

Workshop Agreement in Discourse in Bamberg

1st – 2nd February 2013

Department of General Linguistics, University of Bamberg

Diana Forker

Geoffrey Haig

Confirmed Speakers
Balthasar Bickel, Universit?t Zürich
Johanna Nichols, UC Berkely
Greville Corbett, University of Surrey
Andrej Kibrik, Moscow State University
Christian Lehmann, Universit?t Erfurt
Michael Cysouw, Universit?t Marburg
Dimitrij Ganenkov & Natalia Bogomolova, Russian Academy of Science
Stefan Schnell, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Geoffrey Haig, Universit?t Bamberg

For further details, please follow the link.