University of Bamberg
4th–15th September 2017
Bi Kurd?:
- Soran? (pdf(98.4 KB))
- Kurmanj? (coming soon)
Set in the heart of the beautifully-preserved medieval city of Bamberg, this two-week Autumn School offers intensive language courses in the main varieties of Kurdish, plus a mix of workshops and seminars by leading experts in the field of Kurdish linguistics. KLAS2017 is hosted by the Institute for Oriental Studies at the University of Bamberg.
Sorani and Kurmanji will be offered at two levels for the full duration of the course, while shorter courses in Hawrami and Zazaki will also be available. Additionally, participants may choose from a variety of afternoon workshops, for example close reading of literary and academic Kurmanji, selected topics in sociolinguistics, or comparative Kurdish morphosyntax. Participants in the language courses will be eligible for earning European Credit Transfer points.

Organizing Committee
<link aspra mitarbeiter prof-dr-geoffrey-haig>Geoffrey Haig, University of Bamberg
Ergin ?pengin, Bo?azi?i University, Istanbul
Jaffer Sheyholislami, Carleton University, Ottawa

Please direct inquiries concerning the autumn school to:
Local Organization team
Roja Dehdarian
Maria Vollmer
Jenny Herzky
Nils Schiborr