Prof. Dr. Carina Schmitt

Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96045 Bamberg
Tel.: 0951-863 2734
Curriculum Vitae(310.4 KB)
International comparative political economy and social policy, diffusion and convergence of social policy, quantitative methods, privatization of public companies, social security systems in emerging and developing countries, colonialism and social policy, war and social policy
CV (short)
Academic positions
Since 2022 Professor of Comparative Public Policy, University of Bamberg, Department of Social Science, Economics and Business Administration
2017 – 2022 Professor of Global Social Policy, SOCIUM (Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy), Department ‘Political Economy of the Welfare State’ and ‘Methods Research’, University of Bremen
2015 – 2017 Associate Professor (Privatdozentin, tenured), SOCIUM (Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy), University of Bremen
2013 – 2014 John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University
2011 – 2013 Post-doctoral Researcher, Centre for Social Policy Research, University of Bremen
2008 – 2011 Research Associate at the Collaborative Research Centre ‘Transformations of the State’, University of Bremen
2007 – 2008 Research Associate, Department of Political Science, University of Marburg
2007 Research Associate, German National Statistical Office, Bonn
2013 Habilitation in Political Science (venia legend), University of Bremen
2011 Dissertation (Dr. rer. soc.), University of Mannheim
2007 Magistra Artium in Political Science, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
2002 – 2007 Master Studies in Political Science and History, Johannes Gutenberg- University Mainz
Scholarships, Grants, Awards
2017 ERC Starting Grant, Grant Amount: 1.486.000 EUR
2014 – 2019 Member of the ‘Junge Akademie’ of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Academy of Sciences and German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (26.000 EUR)
2013 John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellowship at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University (60.000 USD)
2011 Fritz Thyssen-Foundation Best Paper Award (1st Prize) in Social Sciences in German-Speaking Countries in 2010 (1.000 EUR; with Herbert Obinger)
2010 Best Paper Award Politische Vierteljahresschrift (1st Prize): Best Article in 2010 together with Herbert Obinger
Books and Special Issues
Barrientos, Armando; Matthew Carnes; Huck Ju Kwon; Herbert Obinger; Leila Patel; Carina Schmitt (2023) (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of Social Policies in the Developing World. Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
Schmitt, Carina (2020) (Ed.). From Colonialism to International Aid: Understanding the Role of External Actors in Social Protection in the Global South. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Obinger, Herbert; Carina Schmitt and Stefan Traub (2016). The Political Economy of Privatization in Rich Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. rich-democracies-9780199669684?cc=us&lang=en&.
Lierse, Hanna; Carina Schmitt and Laura Seelkopf (2016) (eds.). Revenue Mobilization in the Developing World. Special Issue, Review of International Political Economy 23 (2).
Lierse, Hanna; Carina Schmitt Carina and Laura Seelkopf (2015) (eds.). Social Protection in the Developing World – Challenges, Continuity and Change. Special Issue, Politics & Society 43(4).
Schmitt, Carina (2007). Does Civic Engagement Matter? Soziale Beteiligung und Public Policy in Ecuador. Marburg: Tectum.
Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Schmitt, Carina and Amanda Shriwise (2023). The Great War and the Warfare-Welfare Nexus in British and French West African Colonies. Social Science History, forthcoming.
Becker, Sebastian and Carina Schmitt (2023). License to Educate: The Role of National Networks in Colonial Empires. World Development, forthcoming.
Petersen, Klaus; Carina Schmitt and Herbert Obinger (2023). World Wars and the Establishment of Welfare Ministries. Social Science History, 1-22.
Obinger, Herbert and Carina Schmitt (2022). Unemployment Insurance in the Global South since 1950: Drivers of Policy Adoption. Global Social Policy, 22(1), 67-83.
Schmitt, Carina and Herbert Obinger (2021). Unemployment Insurance in the Global South since 1950: Drivers of Policy Adoption. Global Social Policy, online first.
Schmitt, Carina, Lierse Hanna, Obinger, Herbert (2020). Funding Social Protection. Mapping and explaining welfare state financing in a global perspective. Global Social Policy, 20(2), 143-164.
Obinger, Herbert and Carina Schmitt (2020). Total War and the Emergence of Unemployment Insurance in Western Countries. Journal of European Public Policy, 27(12), 1879-1901.
Schmitt, Carina and Obinger, Herbert (2020). World Wars and Welfare Legislation in Western Countries. Journal of European Social Policy, 30(3), 261-174.
Schmitt, Carina (2020). The Warfare – Welfare Nexus in French African colonies in the course of the First and Second World War, Historical Social Research, 45(2), 217- The coverage of social protection in the Global South. 238.
Schmitt, Carina (2020). The coverage of social protection in the Global South. International Journal of Social Welfare, 29(1), 6-19.
Schmitt, Carina and Zohlnh?fer, Reimut (2019). Partisan Differences and the Interventionist State in Advanced Democracies. Socio economic review, 17(4), 969-992.
Schmitt, Carina and Teney, Céline (2019). Access to general social protection for immigrants in advanced democracies. Journal of European Social Policy, 29(1), 44-55.
Obinger, Herbert and Schmitt, Carina (2018). The impact of the Second World War on postwar social spending. European Journal of Political Research 57, 496-517
Schmitt, Carina (2016). Panel Data Analysis and Partisan Variables: How Periodization Does Influence Partisan Effects. Journal of European Public Policy 23 (10), 1442-1459.
Schmitt, Carina and Starke, Peter. Explaining Early Exit Policies (2016). The Role of Labor Market Institutions. European Journal of Industrial Relations 22(4), 391-407.
Seelkopf, Laura, Lierse, Hanna and Schmitt, Carina (2016). Trade liberalization and the global expansion of modern taxes. Review of International Political Economy 23 (2), 208-231.
Schmitt, Carina, Lierse, Hanna, Obinger, Herbert, and Seelkopf, Laura (2015). The Global Emergence of the Welfare State: Explaining Social Policy Legislation 1820-2013. Politics & Society, 43, 503-524.
Schmitt, Carina (2015). Social Security Development and the Colonial Legacy. World Development 70, 332-342.
Obinger, Herbert, Schmitt, Carina and Zohlnh?fer, Reimut (2014). Partisan Politics and Privatization in OECD Countries. Comparative Political Studies 47, 1294-1323.
Schmitt, Carina (2014). The Employment Effects of Privatizing Public Utilities in OECD Countries. Public Management Review 16(8), 1164-1183.
Schmitt, Carina (2014). The Diffusion of Privatization in Europe: Political Affinity or Economic Competition? Public Administration 92(3), 615-635.
Schuster, Philipp, Schmitt, Carina and Traub, Stefan (2013). The Retreat of the State from Entrepreneurial Activities: A Convergence Analysis of the Entrepreneurial State, 1980- 2007. European Journal of Political Economy 32, 95-112.
Schmitt, Carina (2013). Culture, Closeness, or Commerce? Policy Diffusion and Social Spending Dynamics. Swiss Political Science Review 19(2), 123-138.
Obinger, Herbert, Schmitt, Carina and Starke, Peter (2013). Policy Diffusion and Policy Transfer in Comparative Welfare State Research. Social Policy & Administration. 47(1), 111-129.
Schmitt, Carina (2013). The Janus Face of Europeanisation: Explaining Cross-Sector Differences in Public Utilities. West European Politics 36(3), 547-563.
Schmitt, Carina and Obinger, Herbert (2013). Spatial Interdependencies and Welfare State Generosity in Western Democracies, 1960 -2000. Journal of European Social Policy 23(2), 119-133.
Ebinger, Falk und Schmitt, Carina (2012). Autonomie und Autonomieeffekte: Theoretische und methodische Erl?uterungen. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 52(1), 98-108.
Obinger, Herbert and Schmitt, Carina (2011). Guns and Butter? Regime Competition and the Welfare State during the Cold War. World Politics 63(2), 246-270.
Schmitt, Carina (2011). What Drives the Diffusion of Privatization Policy? Evidence from the Telecommunicatons Sector. Journal of Public Policy 31(1), 95-117.
Schmitt, Carina and Starke, Peter (2011). Explaining Convergence of OECD Welfare State: A Conditional Approach. Journal of European Social Policy 21(2), 120-135.
Schmitt, Carina (2011). Der Staat als Unternehmer bei der Bereitstellung ?ffentlicher Dienstleistungen – Konvergenz im internationalen Vergleich? Der moderne Staat 4(1), 209-224.
Schmitt, Carina und Obinger, Herbert (2010). Verfassungsschranken und die Privatisierung der Daseinsvorsorge im internationalen Vergleich. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 51(4), 643-664.
Obinger, Herbert, Traub, Stefan, Etling, Andreas, Mause, Karsten, Schmitt, Carina, Schreeb Katharina und Schuster, Philipp (2010). Der Rückzug des Staates aus unternehmerischen T?tigkeiten. Eine Zwischenbilanz. Der moderne Staat 3(1), 209-234.
Ebinger, Falk und Schmitt, Carina (2010). Alles eine Frage des Managements? Wie Autonomierechte die Handlungsfreiheit des administrativen Führungspersonals beeinflussen. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 51(1), 69-93.
Schmitt, Carina (2010). Sources of Civic Engagement in Latin America – Empirical Evidence From Rural Ecuadorian Communities. Journal of Development Studies 46(8), 1442-58.
Schmitt, Carina (2009). Der Einfluss von Zivilgesellschaft und Lokalregierungen auf Investitio- nen in die Daseinsvorsorge – Empirische Evidenz aus Ecuador. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 3(1), 108-130.
Contributions to Edited Volumes and Journal Articles (not peer-reviewed)
Obinger, Herbert, Schmitt, Carina (2022). Introduction: Violence and welfare, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Ed.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, (im Erscheinen)
Obinger, Herbert, Schmitt, Carina, Seelkopf, Laura (2022). Mass Warfare and the Development of the Modern Welfare State - an Analysis of the Western World, 1914- 1950, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Hg.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, (im Erscheinen)
Obinger, Herbert, Schmitt, Carina (2022). Black Swans and the Emergence of Unemployment Insurance in the First Half of the 20th Century, in: Nullmeier, Frank; González de Reufels, Delia; Obinger, Herbert (Hg.), International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, (im Erscheinen)
Schmitt, Carina; Obinger, Herbert, 2022: Critical Summary and Concluding Remarks, in: Windzio, Michael; Mossig, Ivo; Besche-Truthe, Fabian; Seitzer, Helen (Hg.), Networks and 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网s of Global Social Policy Diffusion. Culture, Economy and Colonial Legacies, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, S. 255 – 267
Schmitt, Carina (2020). The colonial legacy and the Rise of Social Assistance in the Global South, in: Schmitt, Carina (Ed.). From Colonialism to International Aid: Understanding the Role of External Actors in Social Protection in the Global South. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 137-160
Schmitt, Carina (2020). External actors and social protection in the Global South: An overview, in: Schmitt, Carina (Ed.). From Colonialism to International Aid: Understanding the Role of External Actors in Social Protection in the Global South. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 3-18
Schmitt, Carina, Becker, Bastian, Ebeling, Judith, Shriwise, Amanda (2020). Critical assessment and outlook, in: Schmitt, Carina (Ed.). From Colonialism to International Aid: Understanding the Role of External Actors in Social Protection in the Global South.Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 357-376
Schmitt, Carina (2020). The Warfare – Welfare Nexus in French African colonies in the course of the First and Second World War. Historical Social Research 45(2), Special Issue?Conscription, the Military, and Welfare State Development in Europe”, 217-238.
Schmitt, Carina (2019): Quantitative Methoden in der international vergleichenden Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung, in: Herbert Obinger und Manfred G. Schmidt (Hg.), Handbuch Sozialpolitik, Wiesbaden: Springer, 337-359.
Obinger, Herbert, Petersen, Klaus, Schmitt, Carina and Starke, Peter (2018). War and Welfare States Before and After 1945: Conclusions and Perspectives, in: Obinger et al. (Hg.)(2018): Mass Warfare and the Welfare State. Military Conflict and Welfare State Development in Western Countries, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 426-462
Schmitt, Carina (2017): Public policy and administration in an era of austerity: rethinking local public services, in: Klassen, Thomas R.; Cepiku, Denita; Lah, T. J. (Hg.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Public Policy and Administration, Routledge International Handbooks, London: Routledge, S. 34 – 45
Schmitt, Carina (2016): The Diffusion of Public Policies: Expanding the Focus in Time and in Space. APSA Comparative Politics Newsletter 26(1). 93-97.
Schmitt, Carina and Obinger Herbert (2015). The Rise and Transformation of the State- owned Enterprise Sector, in: Rothgang, Heinz, Schneider, Steffen (eds.). State Transformations in OECD Countries. Dimensions, Driving Forces, and Trajectories, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 19-40.
Schmitt, Carina (2015). Makro-quantitative Methoden der Politikwissenschaft, in: Wenzelburger, Georg und Zohlnhoefer Reimut (eds.). Handbuch Policy-Forschung. Frankfurt: VS Springer, 409-428.
Zohlnh?fer, Reimut, Schmitt, Carina und Obinger, Herbert (2015). Wirtschaftspolitik: Das Ende des Interventionsstaates? in: Wenzelburger, Georg und Zohlnhoefer Reimut (eds.). Handbuch Policy-Forschung. Frankfurt: VS Springer, 565-590.
Starke, Peter and Schmitt, Carina (2013). Explaining Convergence of OECD welfare states: a conditional approach. In: Pierson, Christopher, Castles, Frank, and Naumann, Ingela K. (eds): The Welfare State Reader. 3 edn, Polity Press, Oxford.
Schmitt, Carina and Obinger, Herbert (2011). Constitutional Barriers and the Privatization of Public Utilities in Rich Democracies. World Political Science Review 7(1), 1-25
Wagschal, Uwe, Schmitt, Carina und Obinger, Herbert (2010): Gemeineigentum versus Privatisierung, in: Glaab Manuela, Weidenfeld, Werner und Weigl, Michael (eds.): Deutsche 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网e 1990-2010. Politik – Wirtschaft – Gesellschaft – Kultur. Frankfurt: Campus, 209-234.
Working Papers
Becker, Bastian, Shriwise, Amanda and Schmitt, Carina. Colonial Empires, Actor Constellations, and their Legacies. CRC 1342 Working Paper Series on Global Dynamics of Social Policy, Working Paper No. 6.
Schmitt, Carina (2017). From Means to Ends: Linking social protection to the outcomes in the Global South. Danish Centre for Welfare Studies Working Paper (3). University of Southern Denmark, Odense.
Schmitt, Carina and Teney, Céline (2016). Access to general social protection for immigrants in advanced democracies, ZenTra Working Papers in Transnational Studies Nr. 70
Schmitt, Carina and Obinger, Herbert (2012). Policy Diffusion and Social Rights in Advanced Democracies, 1960-2000, ZeS Working paper. Bremen.
Schmitt, Carina and Obinger, Herbert (2012). Policy diffusion and social rights in advanced democracies 1960-2000. Working Paper ZeS Bremen No. 2
Schmitt, Carina (2010). Privatization Policy – Learning from Best Practice and Mimicking Policy Fashions? Empirical Evidence from the Telecommunication Sector, TranState Working paper Nr. 143.
Schmitt, Carina and Schuster, Philipp (2010). New Public Management Reform in European Countries: The Retreat of the State from Telecommunication Services, TranState Working paper Nr. 116.
Etling, Andreas, Mause, Karsten, Obinger, Herbert, Schmitt, Carina, Schreeb, Katharina, Schuster Philipp and Traub, Stefan (2009). The Retreat of the State from Entrepreneurial Acitivities: An Extended Survey, TranState Working paper Nr. 107.