Guidelines "Respecting Boundaries"

In 2017, the University of Bamberg decreed the guidelines "Respecting Boundaries". The University is committed to promoting its employees’ health and wellbeing in the workplace. Collegial workplace conduct positively influences health. A good working and study environment is a crucial precondition for the university’s success and the satisfaction of all university members. Harassment, discrimination, bullying and stalking, as well as transgressions based on age, disability, skin colour, ethnic or national origin, religion, ideology or sexual identity are destructive to this working and study climate.

Guidelines for the Prevention of Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Stalking – Respecting Boundaries, from 20 September 2017

Gesetz zum Schutz der Besch?ftigten vor sexueller Bel?stigung am Arbeitsplatz (Besch?ftigtenschutzgesetz)