The International Romance Studies "Quadruple Degree" Programme
Since the winter semester 2018/19, there is a new international degree programme in Romance Studies in Bamberg, which we have developed together with our partner university in Alacant (Alicante). Students will study at both universities, which means that we also hope for Alacantine students who will spend part of their studies with us. As the name "Quadruple Degree" suggests, a total of four degrees will be obtained:
- Bachelor’s in Romance Studies (UB)
- Grado en Filología Catalana / Estudios Franceses/or Espa?ol: Lengua y Literaturas (UA)
- Master’s in Romance Studies (UB)
- Máster oficial en Espa?ol e Inglés como Segundas Lenguas/Lenguas Extranjeras (UA)
Since the Bamberg and Alacantine colleagues know each other personally, many problems that might otherwise arise due to the internationality are simplified.
The plan is for students from both universities to get to know each other's exchange students at their home university before setting off for the other country, so that when they are back home they already have a contact person on site for their own stay abroad.
The contact between our universities was established through the long cooperation with the local Institute for Catalan Philology; the Comunitat Valenciana is a bilingual region in which Catalan, along with Spanish, is the official and cultural language. So there is an opportunity to study Catalan alongside Spanish. On the other hand, Catalan has already been pushed back so far in the city of Alacant that it is possible to live exclusively in Spanish without any problems. Of course, those interested in Bamberg can study Spanish, French and English philology there.
Simplified Structure of the Exchange Programme

Simplified Structure of the Final Papers