Alumni and Finished Dissertations
Former Colleagues at the Department of Science Education

Dr. Denis Messig
2019 - 2022 Lecturer in didactics of natural sciences
2022 - 2024 Professor of Natural Sciences Didactics at the University of Bamberg
2024 Return as a teacher at the Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium Bamberg
Jacqueline Dreischer
Research assistant in the project “teachers as changemakers (TAC)” and “city4future”
Dr. Patricia Raab
Research assistant in the DiKuLe project Wild Bee App and Nesting Boxes
Erek Menneke
Lecturer in physics didactics
since 10/2023 teacher at the Hoechstadt high school
Dr. Joachim Langstein
Lecturer in biology for a longterm (beekeeping, wild bees, photography)
since 10/2023 Research assistant at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Paul
2012 - 2022 Scientific Staff and Post-Doc (Habilitating) at the Department of Science Education
since Oct 2022 Professor of Didactics of Chemistry at the University of Bayreuth
Dr. Thomas Münz
2019 - 2022 PhD at the Department of Science Education (Project Team Member "My Planet Earth")
Prof. Dr. Jorge Gro?
04/2012 - 03/2022 Professor at the Department of Science Education at the University of Bamberg
since 04/2022 Professor of Didactics of Biology at the University of Marburg
Malte Michelsen
09/2019 - 03/2022 Scientific Staff and PhD at the Department of Science Education
since 04/2022 Scientific Staff at the Department of Science Education at the University of Marburg
Prof. Dr. Steffen Schaal
10/2009 - 03/2011 Professor at the Department of Science Education at the University of Bamberg
since 03/2011 Professor for Biology and its Didactics at the PH Ludwigsburg
Dr. rer. nat. Christine Geier
10/2008 - 09/2012 Teacher for special tasks in the didactics of biology at the University of Bamberg
Dr. rer. nat. Beate Bugla
10/2012 - 12/2013 Research assistant in the didactics of biology at the University of Bamberg
Prof. Dr. Verena Spatz
09/12 - 03/15 Lecturer in physics didactics
since 10/2016 Didactics of Physics at the TU Darmstadt
Andrea Seuberth
09/12 - 03/15 Lecturer in physics didactics
Ursula Schü?ler
09/12 - 07/16 Lecturer in the didactics of natural sciences
Reinhold Link
10/2009 - 07/19 Lecturer in the didactics of natural sciences
Technical assistance
12/09 - 03/12 Anika Sandrock
Finished Dissertations

Dr. Dennis Stahl - external PhD
Topic: "Didactic Rekonstruction of Species Identification of Native Bivalvia"
email: stahl[at]
Dr. Tanja Fendt
Topic: "Students' Conceptions in the Focus of Lesson Interaction - Fostering Co-constructive Learning Processes in Chemistry Lessons"
email: tanja.fendt(at)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nadine Tramowsky
Topic: "Moral Conceptions Related to Animal Treatment. Development of Reconstructed Learning Environments in Regard of the Moral Metaphor Theory".
email: nadine.tramowsky(atnospam)
Dr. Denis Messig
Topic "Didactic Reconstruktion of Plant Nutrition"
Former external PhD students

Svenja Affeldt
external PhD student, Hannover
Birgit Baumann
external PhD student, Hannover
Anna D?vel
external PhD student, Universit?t Würzburg
email: anna.schumacher[at]
Juliane Dylla
external PhD student, Initiative Junger Forscher/-innen Würzburg
email: j.dylla(at)
Dr. Leonie Johann
external PhD student, Cooperation Nord University, Bod?, Norway
email: leonie.johann[at]