Dr. Jutta Paulini

Markusplatz 3 - Noddack-Haus - Room 106 W
96047 Bamberg
email: jutta.paulini(at)uni-bamberg.de
phone: +49 (0)951 863 1930
The world of science is fascinating and complex. A scientific education helps us to open up and understand the natural world around us. And for me, it is just as important to be moved by the magic of nature and to raise awareness of the need to shape and preserve our environment for all creatures. To achieve this, it is important to teach scientific skills and to master scientific working methods.
I enjoy sharing the practical experience of my many years of teaching practice with future teachers and thus awakening their enthusiasm for all areas of the natural sciences.
Office hours
Please make an appointment via email. Thank you.
Short vita
- 10/84 - 04/90: Studies at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg; specialising in biology, majoring in pharmaceutical biology. Diploma thesis at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology on the topic: "Modification of the mutagenicity of ingredients from Ruta graveolens L. in Salmonella typhimurium"
- 04/90 - 02/94: Doctoral studies at FAU Erlangen; doctorate (Dr. rer.nat.) on 28 March 1994. Dissertation at the Institute of Medical Physics on the topic: "Sulphur-containing compounds and natural substances as radioprotective substances in mammalian cells."
Professional practice:
- 04/90 - 02/94: Research assistant at the Institute of Radiology, FAU Erlangen; training of medical students, management of various internships
- 03/94 - 12/02: Clinical field service at various companies in the pharmaceutical industry
- 01/03-05/08: Training officer at Sanofi-Aventis GmbH, Berlin (oncology, CNS)
Activity as a teacher:
- Since 06/2008: Teacher at H?chstadt an der Aisch grammar school (nature and technology, biology)
Special functions as a teacher:
- Regular organisation of W and P seminars in the upper secondary school
- Setting up and commissioning a school laboratory on the subject of "Genetic engineering in the sixth form"
- Supervision of the elective subject "Jugend forscht - Schüler experimentieren
- Acting as a jury member for Jugend forscht
- Coordination of the school partnership Martin Bauer Group, Vestenbergsgreuth