Dr. Jutta Paulini

Markusplatz 3 - Noddack-Haus - Room 106 W 
96047 Bamberg

email: jutta.paulini(at)uni-bamberg.de

phone: +49 (0)951 863 1930

office hours: Please make an appointment via email. Thank you.

Short vita


  • 10/84 - 04/90: Studies at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg; specialising in biology, majoring in pharmaceutical biology. Diploma thesis at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology on the topic: "Modification of the mutagenicity of ingredients from Ruta graveolens L. in Salmonella typhimurium"
  • 04/90 - 02/94: Doctoral studies at FAU Erlangen; doctorate (Dr. rer.nat.) on 28 March 1994. Dissertation at the Institute of Medical Physics on the topic: "Sulphur-containing compounds and natural substances as radioprotective substances in mammalian cells."

Professional practice:            

  • 04/90 - 02/94: Research assistant at the Institute of Radiology, FAU Erlangen; training of medical students, management of various internships
  • 03/94 - 12/02: Clinical field service at various companies in the pharmaceutical industry
  • 01/03-05/08: Training officer at Sanofi-Aventis GmbH, Berlin (oncology, CNS)                                  

Activity as a teacher:

  • Since 06/2008: Teacher at H?chstadt an der Aisch grammar school (nature and technology, biology)

Special functions as a teacher:

  • Regular organisation of W and P seminars in the upper secondary school
  • Setting up and commissioning a school laboratory on the subject of "Genetic engineering in the sixth form"
  • Supervision of the elective subject "Jugend forscht - Schüler experimentieren
  • Acting as a jury member for Jugend forscht
  • Coordination of the school partnership Martin Bauer Group, Vestenbergsgreuth