Prof. Dr. Yelva Larsen

Professor of Science Education
Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften
Markusplatz 3 - Noddack-Haus - Room 103W
96047 Bamberg
phone: +49 (0)951 863 1915
For me, transformative education is a prerequisite and component of sustainable development. It is the compass in the search for new ways of dealing responsibly with ourselves, our fellow human beings and nature. It makes it possible to make nature visible in its significance for people and to shape the relationship between people and nature in a sustainable way. I try to exemplify responsibility in my own actions in order to shape a sustainable world together with all members of the university and to convey an inclusive understanding of the world that includes all living beings. Combining knowledge with concrete options for shaping individual and social action is a focus of my research and teaching activities.
Office Hours:
Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m. (only with pre-registration by e-mail)
Short vita
- since 10/2012 Employee at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg (Didactics of Natural Sciences)
- 03/2015 - 10/2022 part-time work at the Natural History Museum Bamberg (museum education, exhibition conception)
- 11/2015 - 07/2019 Teaching at the state vocational school in Bamberg
- 09/2014 - 08/2015 Teaching at the state secondary school in Hirschaid
- 11/2009-09/2012 Assistant at the University of Bayreuth (Didactics of Biology)
- 08/2009 - 11/2009 Teaching at the Kopernikusschule Freigericht
- 01/ 2005 - 10/2009 Employee at the Senckenberg Nature Museum (Museum Education), Frankfurt am Main
- 10/2003 - 05/2009 Study of Biology at the J. W. v. G. University (Frankfurt am Main)
- 05/2008 - 11/2008 Research stay at the School of Ocean Sciences (Bangor University, North Wales)
Additional tasks and functions
- 10/2023 Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
- since 11/2023 Board member of the forum1.5 association for a climate-friendly future
- since 06/2023 Head of the "Education for Sustainable Development" working group of Bavarian biology didactics experts
- since 02/2022 Deputy spokesperson of the Bavarian biology didactics experts
- since 04/2021 Member of the certificate development working group in the "Bavarian University & Sustainability Network" since 08/2018 Member of the "Sustainability" steering group at the University of Bamberg
- Coordination of the Sustainability Month working group
- Coordination of the working group on studying and teaching
- Since 2022 Student counselling for didactics of natural sciences
- 10/2015 - 09/2022 Deputy Women's Representative of the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg
- 2013-2022 Representative of the academic mid-level faculty at the Institute for Research and Development of Subject-Related Teaching at the University of Bamberg
- 2011-2013 Board member of the Didactics of Biology (FDdB) section of the VBio
- 2010-2013 Spokesperson for young academics in the Didactics of Biology section (FDdB)
- since 2021 Project management: Digital teaching-learning labs (Green-LLab) in the research project "Developing digital cultures of teaching" (DiKuLe)
- since 04/2022 Project management: "Fungi Revolution!" as part of the GRIPS (start-up and innovation in practice-oriented studies) initiative
- since 06/2023 - Implementation of the Community of Practice "Transformative Skills for Sustainability" of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
- since 04/2019 Coordination of the university initiative UniBienen
- since 10/2017 - Coordination of the university initiative UniGardening
- Main areas of work and research
- Designing and researching teaching and learning processes in schools
- Implementation of learning opportunities to promote education for sustainable development (focus: school garden, school beekeeping, wild bee protection & mushroom cultivation)
- Development & impact analysis of digital learning programmes