Petra N?gel

Markusplatz 3 - Noddack-Haus - Room 106 W 
96047 Bamberg
email: petra.naegel(at)

phone: +49 (0)951 863 1930

office hours: Please make an appointment vie email. Thank you.

Short vita

Professional background

  • 1998-2005 Studied Biology and Chemistry at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen (Teaching Qualification Gymnasium and Diploma Biology)
  • 2003 Semester abroad in co-operation with the University of La Laguna, Tenerife, for the preparation of the diploma thesis
  • 2005 Completion of teacher training programme and diploma in biology

Professional practice:      

  • 2005-2007 Trainee teacher at Graf-Münster-Gymnasium Bayreuth
  • 2007-2011 Teacher at Gars Grammar School
  • 2011-2012 Teacher at Helene-Lange-Gymnasium Fürth
  • Since 09/2012 Teacher at Gymnasium H?chstadt for the subjects biology, chemistry, nature and technology as well as computer science for the lower school

Special functions as a teacher

  • Addiction prevention officer
  • Staff council
  • Jury member for Jugend forscht
  • Examiner for the Max Weber Programme's examinations for gifted students
  • Head of the Criminology elective course