The Noddack House

The Noddack House in the center of the UNESCO World Heritage Site

The old imperial and episcopal city of Bamberg looks back on 1,000 years of history. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the old town is a unique example of a Central European city developed and preserved based on a medieval structure. It encompasses a complex area made up of three settlement centers (mountain town, island town and gardener's town), which corresponds to the expansion of the city from the founding of the diocese (1007) by Emperor Henry II to the end of the 16th century and which was magnificently baroque in the 18th century became.

The buildings of the Faculty of Human Sciences are located directly adjacent to the old town district at Burgershof. In 1988, the converted and renovated old building of the former state women's clinic - the so-called Marcus House - was available. In 1992 the renovation of the new part was completed. In this context, the adjacent washhouse of the women's clinic was also converted and renovated for didactics in the natural sciences.

It was named after the naturalists Walter and Ida Noddack. Walter Noddack was appointed professor at the Bamberg University of Philosophy and Theology and in 1956 became head of the State Research Institute for Geochemistry in Bamberg. In addition to the Noddack couple's significant discoveries in the field of chemistry (including the discovery of the element rhenium in 1925), they also provided many biological insights into the carbon cycle (assimilation of CO2, photosynthesis) and the visual pigment of the human eye.

The Greenlab

We started planning and converting the laboratories in the Noddack House back in 2012. The aim of the renovation, which was completed in 2013, was to set up a multifunctional space for school-related teaching/learning processes. The result is a new synthesis of a historic building and modern media technology.

In addition to functional laboratory equipment, we integrate current teaching and presentation technology such as an interactive whiteboard, on which we also conduct didactic research. Learners gain access to new forms of learning and interactive collaboration opportunities via wireless communication via mobile systems such as MacBooks and iPads.

The Greenlab is characterized by the greatest possible flexibility and ease of operation: On the one hand, the entire technology is installed above ground so that the mobile device can be tailored to the respective requirements. On the other hand, the entire room and technology control is carried out using an iPad, on which scenarios that have already been created can be called up.

The Bamberg Greenlab includes the following features:


  • 25 workstations with mobile tables and mobile seating
  • Flexible laboratory ceiling system with gas, water, exhaust air and power connections above the workstations
  • mobile water modules
  • mobile panoramic fume hood (AeroEm)
  • interactive SMART whiteboard
  • Apple WMC (Wireless Mobile Classroom) solution with MacBook Pros and iPads, integrated wireless printer with Internet/WiFi in all rooms
  • mobile control system and teaching scenarios

Target group

  • Teacher training students in biology, chemistry and physics
  • School classes as part of extracurricular lessons
  • Teachers, seminar leaders and school principals as part of further training

Cooperation partner

Our cooperation partners are in particular: