Lea R?misch
Research assistant in the research project MIG-AGE
Chair of Sociology, especially Family and Work
Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
Feldkirchenstra?e 21 / Room 00.20b
96052 Bamberg
Tel. +49(0)951/863-2774
E-Mail: lea.roemisch(at)uni-bamberg.de
Consultation hours by appointment
Research interests
- Migration and integration
- Life course sociology
- Social capital and networks
Short biography
Lea R?misch studied Sociology (B.A. 2019, M.A. 2023) at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg. During her studies, she completed an internship at the Institute for Employment Research and subsequently worked as a research assistant in the field of employment promotion and employment (AE). She also worked as a research assistant at the Leibnitz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LifBi) in the project ?Inklusion in und nach der Sekundarstufe in Deutschland (INSIDE).
She most recently worked as a research assistant for the Poverty Prevention and Inclusion Unit at the City of Nuremberg. Since July 2023, she has been working as a research assistant in the MIG-AGE project at the Chair of Sociology, especially Family and Work at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg.