Dr. Peter Valet

Dr. Peter Valet
Chair of Sociology, especially Methods of Empirical Social Research
University of Bamberg
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96045 Bamberg
phone: +49-951-863-2868
email: peter.valet(at)uni-bamberg.de
office hours: Please contact me via email.
office: F21/01.17A
Academic positions
Peter Valet studied social sciences at the University of Duisburg-Essen (diploma 2009). After completing his studies, he was invited for a research stay at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin. From 2010 to 2015 he was a research assistant in the working group "Social Structure and Social Inequality" at Bielefeld University. From 2012 to 2018 he also worked in the project "Structural Conditions of Justice Attitudes over the Life-Span" funded by the German Research Foundation. In this project he was, among other things, involved in the conception, realization, and data preparation of the LINOS panel survey. In spring 2015, he was invited for a research stay at Ohio State University. In 2017 he received his doctoral degree in sociology (first advisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Liebig, second advisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schupp). From 2018 to 2023 he was assistant professor ("Akademischer Rat") at the Chair for Sociology, especially Methods of Empirical Social Research at the University of Bamberg. In the 2020 summer term, he held an interim professorship on social inequality at Bielefeld University.
Since January 2024, Peter Valet is principal investigator in the project "Contextual Income Inequalities and Life Satisfaction: Mechanisms and Moderators" (COILS) funded by the German Reserach Foundation (DFG)
Here(290.0 KB) you can download the full list of publications.
Recent Publications (selection):
Valet, Peter (2024). Income Inequality, Income Position and Life Satisfaction. SocArXiv, snh24, doi: 10.31235/osf.io/snh24
Valet, Peter (2023). Perceptions of pay satisfaction and pay justice: Two sides of the same coin? Social Indicators Research. 166(1), 157–173. doi: 10.1007/s11205-022-03059-5
L?we, Paul & Peter Valet (2023). Ist der ?ffentliche Dienst noch ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber? Ver?nderte Wahrnehmungen zu Jobsicherheit, langfristiger Besch?ftigung und Karriereperspektiven von Besch?ftigten im ?ffentlichen Dienst und der Privatwirtschaft von 1985 bis 2018. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 69(1), 1–30. doi: 10.1515/zsr-2022-0105
Adriaans, Jule, Philipp Eisnecker, Carsten Sauer & Peter Valet (2022). Binary response format or 11-point scale? Measuring justice evaluations of earnings in the SOEP. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. doi:10.13094/SMIF-2022-00005
Sauer, Carsten, Peter Valet, Vincent J. Roscigno & George Wilson (2022).Neoliberalism’s Impact on Public-Sector Job Quality: The US and Germany Compared. In Chris Warhurst, Chris Mathieu & Rachel Dwyer (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality. Oxford University Press, 469–484. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198749790.013.22
L?we, Paul S. & Peter Valet (2022): Reformen im ?ffentlichen Dienst. Auswirkungen auf Beamt*innen und Arbeitnehmer*innen von 1993 bis 2018. WSI-Mitteilungen, 75(2), 119–128. doi:10.5771/0342-300X-2022-2-119
Valet, Peter, Carsten Sauer & Jochem Tolsma (2021): Preferences for work arrangements: A discrete choice experiment. PLoS ONE 16(7), e025448. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0254483
Sauer, Carsten, Peter Valet, Safi Shams & Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (2021): Categorical Distinctions and Claims-Making: Opportunity, Agency, and Returns from Wage Negotiations. American Sociological Review, 86(5), 934–959. doi: 10.1177/00031224211038507; W. Richard Scott Article Award 2022 (ASA Section: Organizations, Occupation, and Work).
Adriaans, Jule, Peter Valet & Stefan Liebig (2020). Comparing Administrative and Survey Data: Is Information from Administrative Records of the German Institute for Employment Research Consistent with Survey Self-reports? Quality & Quantity, 54(1), 3–25. doi:10.1007/s11135-019-00931-4
Sauer, Carsten, Peter Valet & Vincent J. Roscigno (2019). Neue Ungleichheiten im ?ffentlichen Sektor. In Burzan Nicole (Hrsg.): Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in G?ttingen 2018.
Valet, Peter, Jule Adriaans & Stefan Liebig (2019). Comparing Survey Data and Administrative Records on Gross Earnings: Nonreporting, Misreporting, Interviewer Presence and Earnings Inequality. Quality & Quantity, 53(1), 471–491. doi:10.1007/s11135-018-0764-z
Roscigno, Vincent J. , Carsten Sauer & Peter Valet (2018). Rules, Relations, and Work. American Journal of Sociology, 123(6), 1784–1825. doi:10.1086/697111
Valet, Peter (2018). Social Structure and the Paradox of the Contented Female Worker: How Occupational Gender Segregation Biases Justice Perceptions of Wages. Work and Occupations, 45(2), 168–193. doi:10.1177/0730888417753048
Here(24.0 KB, 3 pages) you can download the full list of presentations.
Recent Events:
[November 2023] Funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for research project "Contextual Income Inequalities and Life Satisfaction: Mechanisms and Moderators" (January 2024–December 2026)
[April 2023] Bavarian Prize for Good Teaching 2022 (Bavarian Ministry for Science and Arts))
[February 2023] Faculty Prize for Good Teaching 2022 (Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration, University of Bamberg)
[August 2022] W. Richard Scott Article Award 2022 (ASA Section on Organizations, Occupations, and Work)
[Juli 2020] Zertifikat Hochschullehre der Bayerischen Universit?ten (Vertiefungsstufe über mindestens 200 Arbeitseinheiten)
[August 2019] presentation with Carsten Sauer, Safi Shams, and Donald Tomaskovic-Devey zum Thema "Categorical Distinctions and Claims Making: Opportunity, Actions, and Returns from Wage Negotiations". 114th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA), New York City, USA.
[July 2019] presentation with Carsten Sauer on "Assessing Preferences for Working Arrangements Using a Discrete Choice Experiment". 8th Conference of the European Social Research Association (ESRA), Zagreb, HR.
[July 2019] presentation on "Subjektive Wahrnehmungen atypischer Besch?ftigung [Subjective Perceptions of Atypical Employment]" at the Sociological Colloquium of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
[April 2019] session with Jule Adriaans on "Attitudinal Consequences of Social Inequality in Europe". 4th Conference of the European Social Survey (ESS), Mannheim.
[March 2019] research stay at Radboud University Nijmegen, NL.
[September 2018] presentation with Carsten Sauer on "Neue Ungleichheiten im ?ffentlichen Sektor: Wie haben die Reformen ?ffentlicher Organisationen die wahrgenommene Arbeitsbelastung und Jobsicherheit von Besch?ftigten ver?ndert?" at the 39th Congress of the German Sociological Society (DGS), G?ttingen.
[September 2018] presentation with Jule Adriaans on "Validating Survey Data Using Administrative Records and Vice Versa?" at the LINOS-2 Conference, Berlin.
Hier(290.0 KB) k?nnen Sie die Liste aller Publikationen einsehen.
Ausgew?hlte aktuelle Publikationen:
Valet, Peter (2024). Income Inequality, Income Position and Life Satisfaction. SocArXiv, snh24, doi: 10.31235/osf.io/snh24
Valet, Peter (2023). Perceptions of pay satisfaction and pay justice: Two sides of the same coin? Social Indicators Research. 166(1), 157–173. doi: 10.1007/s11205-022-03059-5
L?we, Paul & Peter Valet (2023). Ist der ?ffentliche Dienst noch ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber? Ver?nderte Wahrnehmungen zu Jobsicherheit, langfristiger Besch?ftigung und Karriereperspektiven von Besch?ftigten im ?ffentlichen Dienst und der Privatwirtschaft von 1985 bis 2018. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 69(1), 1–30. doi: 10.1515/zsr-2022-0105
Adriaans, Jule, Philipp Eisnecker, Carsten Sauer & Peter Valet (2022). Binary response format or 11-point scale? Measuring justice evaluations of earnings in the SOEP. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. doi:10.13094/SMIF-2022-00005
Sauer, Carsten, Peter Valet, Vincent J. Roscigno & George Wilson (2022).Neoliberalism’s Impact on Public-Sector Job Quality: The US and Germany Compared. In Chris Warhurst, Chris Mathieu & Rachel Dwyer (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality. Oxford University Press, 469–484. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198749790.013.22
L?we, Paul S. & Peter Valet (2022): Reformen im ?ffentlichen Dienst. Auswirkungen auf Beamt*innen und Arbeitnehmer*innen von 1993 bis 2018. WSI-Mitteilungen, 75(2), 119–128. doi:10.5771/0342-300X-2022-2-119
Valet, Peter, Carsten Sauer & Jochem Tolsma (2021): Preferences for work arrangements: A discrete choice experiment. PLoS ONE 16(7), e025448. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0254483
Sauer, Carsten, Peter Valet, Safi Shams & Donald Tomaskovic-Devey (2021): Categorical Distinctions and Claims-Making: Opportunity, Agency, and Returns from Wage Negotiations. American Sociological Review, 86(5), 934–959. doi: 10.1177/00031224211038507; W. Richard Scott Article Award 2022 (ASA Section: Organizations, Occupation, and Work).
Adriaans, Jule, Peter Valet & Stefan Liebig (2020). Comparing Administrative and Survey Data: Is Information from Administrative Records of the German Institute for Employment Research Consistent with Survey Self-reports? Quality & Quantity, 54(1), 3–25. doi:10.1007/s11135-019-00931-4
Sauer, Carsten, Peter Valet & Vincent J. Roscigno (2019). Neue Ungleichheiten im ?ffentlichen Sektor. In Burzan Nicole (Hrsg.): Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in G?ttingen 2018.
Valet, Peter, Jule Adriaans & Stefan Liebig (2019). Comparing Survey Data and Administrative Records on Gross Earnings: Nonreporting, Misreporting, Interviewer Presence and Earnings Inequality. Quality & Quantity, 53(1), 471–491. doi:10.1007/s11135-018-0764-z
Roscigno, Vincent J. , Carsten Sauer & Peter Valet (2018). Rules, Relations, and Work. American Journal of Sociology, 123(6), 1784–1825. doi:10.1086/697111
Valet, Peter (2018). Social Structure and the Paradox of the Contented Female Worker: How Occupational Gender Segregation Biases Justice Perceptions of Wages. Work and Occupations, 45(2), 168–193. doi:10.1177/0730888417753048
Here(183.6 KB) you can download the full teaching record.