Simon Christoph (M.A.)

Simon Christoph (M.A.)
Chair of Sociology, especially Methods of Empirical Social Research
University of Bamberg
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96045 Bamberg
phone: +49-951-863-2609
email: simon.christoph(at)
office hours: please make an appointment via email
room: F21/01.16c
Academic Positions
Simon Christoph studied Sociology (M.A. 2015, B.A. 2012) at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg. During and after his studies he worked as a student and scientific assistant on various research projects and chairs: Junior professorship for Educational Inequalities (2013-2016), Chair for Social Structure Analysis (2015), Chair for Sociology 1 as student assistant in the BiKS project (2010 & 2012-2013) and at the European Forum for Migration Studies (2011-2012). Furthermore, he did an internship at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in Nuremberg in 2011. From October 2015 to February 2019, he was a regular member and doctoral fellow of the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) as well as an elected representative of the Doctoral Student Council. Since June 2016, he is a research assistant and lecturer at the Chair of Sociology, in particular methods of empirical social research. Since May 2019, Simon Christoph also leads the Data&Analytics project division of the IDA (Institut für Innovation und Digitalisierung).
In his PhD thesis, he analyses the influence of (close) friends on individual educational achievement.
Research Interests
- Social Inequalities (esp. educational inequalities), social stratification & exclusion
- Social capital and social networks
- Friendships
- Quantitative and qualitative research methods
- Mixed Methods
Participation at Conferences and Workshops
[February, 2019] Teaching Assistant for the Data Analysis Course "Introduction to Applied Social Network Analysis" at the ECPR Winter School in Methods and Techniques at the University of Bamberg.
[October, 2018] Presentation on "The influence of the Ethnic Composition of Friendships on Individual Educational Achievment in Higher Education" at the 2018 ECSR Conference (European Consortium for Sociological Reseach) at the Sciences Po, Paris, France.
[September, 2018] Participation at the 12. Trierer Summer School on Social Network Analysis, University of Trier.
[January, 2018] Presentation on "Towards a better Understanding of the Peer Group Context: Close Friends & Individual Educational Achievement" at the Second CILS4EU Conference at the Utrecht University, Netherlands.
[September, 2017] Presentation on "Towards a better Understanding of the Peer Group Context: Close Friends & Individual Educational Achievement" at the Third European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN2017) at the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz.
[August, 2017] Presentation on "The Influence of Close Friends on the Individual Educational Achievement" at the 2017 ECSR Conference (European Consortium for Sociological Research) at the Bocconi University Milan, Italy.
[Februar, 2017] Participation at the GESIS Workshop "Angewandte Paneldatenanalyse" at the GESIS-Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences in Cologne.
[Juli 2016] Main organizer of the Third Annual Bagss Conference (together with Agata Kraj, Diana Klose & Marc Saur) "When the State Intervenes" at the University of Bamberg.
[April 2016] Participation at the Workshop "Multiple Imputation with Stata" at the Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverl?ufe (LIfBi) in Bamberg.
[M?rz, 2016] Participation at the Workshop "Introduction to Applied Social Network Analysis" in the course of ECPR Winter School in Method and Techniques at the University of Bamberg.
[Februar, 2016] Presentation on "The Impact of Peer Groups on immigrant and Native Students' Educational Achievement and Aspirations" at the III. Internal Bagss Conference at the University of Bamberg.
[Februar, 2016] Participation at the Workshop "Multilevel Analysis with Stata and R" at the University of Bamberg.
[Januar, 2016] Participation at the Workshop "Advanced Data Management for Panel Data using Stata" at the Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverl?ufe (LIfBi) in Bamberg.
[Oktober, 2015] Participation at the Workshop "Introduction to R. Causal Inference" at the University of Bamberg.
Christoph, Simon (2022): Freundschaft im Peerkontext–Eine differenziertere Betrachtung. In: Gesellschaft–Individuum–Sozialisation (GISo). Zeitschrift für Sozialisationsforschung, 3 (2).
Christoph, Simon (2016): Is Tertiary Education Putting the Future Labour Markets at Risk? Dieser Essay wurde ursprünglich im gedruckten Programmheft der Annual Bagss Conference 2016 ver?ffentlicht. /en/bagss/magazine/the-essays/essay-simon-christoph/
Winter Term 2019/20:
Soziologisches Forschungspraktikum Teil I: Datenerhebung: (Gruppe C)
Summer Term 2019:
Soziologisches Forschungspraktikum Teil II: Datenanalyse: (Gruppe B)
Winter Term 2018/19:
Soziologisches Forschungspraktikum Teil I: Datenerhebung: (Gruppe D)
Soziologisches Forschungspraktikum Teil I: Datenerhebung: (Gruppe E)
Winter Term 2017/18:
Soziologisches Forschungspraktikum Teil I: Datenerhebung (Gruppe B)
Soziologisches Forschungspraktikum Teil II: Datenerhebung (Gruppe C)
Winter Term 2016/2017:
Soziologisches Forschungspraktikum Teil I: Datenerhebung: ?bung (Gruppe C)
Picture: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences