Dr. Gisela Will
Research Fellow at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi)
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi)
Wilhelmsplatz 3
D-96047 Bamberg
Tel: +49-(0)951-863-3426
Email: Gisela.Will(at)lifbi.de
Research interests
Social and ethnic educational inequaltiy, selective migration, the step model of migratory decisions, methodological research with regard to migrant populations, social capital
02/2021–current: PI "Educational Trajectories of Refugee Children and Adolescents", LIfBi
12/2020-current: PI "Study Enrolement of High School Graduates wiht a Migration Background", LIfBi
09/2019–11/2020: PI DFG-project "Aiming High", LIfBi
08/2017–08/2019: PI DFG-project "Educational Aspirations", LIfBi
07/2016–current: Head of the migration unit, PI ReGES, LIfBi
02/2015: PhD University of Mannheim
01/2014–06/2016: NEPS-Migration, University of Bamberg
2012-2013: Research fellow at the Chair of Sociology, area Social Stratificatin, University of Bamberg
2009-2013: Research fellow at the NEPS, University of Bamberg
2008-2009: Research fellow at the Chair of Sociology, area Social Stratificatin, University of Bamberg
2004-2008: Research fellow at the Institute of Sociology, University of Leipzig
2002-2004: Research fellow at the European Forum for Migration Studies (efms), Bamberg