Regine Schmidt

Research fellow


Chair of Sociology, area Social Stratification

Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
Feldkirchenstra?e 21, F21/01.54
D-96052 Bamberg

Tel: +49-(0)951-863-3860

Research interests

Migration and integration, social and ethnic inequality with a focus on labor markets, quantitative methods


Schmidt, R., Kristen, C. & Mühlau, P. (2021): Educational selectivity and immigrants’ labour market performance in Europe. European Sociological Review,

Sp?rlein, C., Kristen, C., Schmidt, R. & Welker, J. (2020): Selectivity profiles of recently arrived refugees and labour migrants in Germany. Soziale Welt 71(1-2): 54-89.

Kristen, C., Sp?rlein, C., Schmidt, R. & Welker, J. (2020): Mehrheit der Geflüchteten hat h?here Bildung im Vergleich zur Herkunftsgesellschaft. DIW Wochenbericht 34: 563-570.


2013-2016: Master Sociology, University of Bamberg.

2012-2016: Student assistant at the Chair for Sociology, area Social Stratification and in the SCIP-Project, University of Bamberg.

2010-2012: Student assistant at the Chair for Statistics and Econometrics, University of Bamberg.

2010-2013: Bachelor Sociology, University of Bamberg.