Welcome to the website of the SoWi student council!

Student Council
Hello everyone and welcome to the website of your student council!
Whether you are a major or minor subject at SoWi, our student representatives come from all departments and semesters of the faculty. As a student council, we are a so-called "corporation" of the university. This means that we are responsible for making life at the university easier and better for you. And we are always looking for new members!
Are you interested in organizing events for you and your fellow students? Do you want to gain experience in social media and marketing? Do you want to make a difference at the university and get in touch with lecturers, deans or the university management? Or do you have your own ideas to make life at the university better? You can do all that with us!
Have we piqued your interest? Then come and see us on Mondays at 6 pm in room F21/00.18! You have to go through the main entrance and into the corridor to the left of the door.
In our meeting, we discuss the current topics of the teams and the university. Afterwards, our student representatives often sit together in a relaxed atmosphere. The meetings are completely non-binding, so drop by!
Further information - such as our office hours - can be found under "Duty roster".