Study programmes
The study programmes offered by the faculty include undergraduate Bachelor's programmes and subsequent Master's programmes in the central subjects of the faculty: business administration, economics, political science, sociology and statistics.
These are single-subject and multiple-subject programmes that benefit from the faculty's profile, which is characterised by interdisciplinarity.
How do I make the right choice?

You are facing an important decision: The choice of your field of study will not only significantly determine the next three to four years, but will also set the course for your future professional life.
Which degree programme is the right one for me? With five degree programmes, the Bachelor's degree programmes offered by the faculty represent a broad spectrum, ranging from degree programmes with a stronger focus on social sciences to those with a stronger focus on economics.
Focus of interest: social science
Can you imagine focusing on the phenomena of people living together in society (theory-based or empirical) in your studies and career? In the social sciences, the structures and functions of social interdependencies of institutions and systems and also their interaction with processes of action and behaviour of the individual (actors) are analysed. If you are interested in this, you should take a closer look at the degree programmes in sociology or political science.
The Bachelor's programme Computational Economics and Politics is located at the interface between social sciences and economics.
Focus of interest: Economics
Do you want to deal more with the economic actions of people and organisations in your studies and career? You will deal with the achievement of economic, social and ecological goals as well as the management decisions necessary for this, also in an international context. If these activities appeal to you, then you should consider the degree programmes European Economic Studies, International Business Administration and Business Administration.
Preliminary decision taken?
Let's go to the subject advisory service! If you have difficulties deciding between the individual subjects, then visit the respective subject advisory service for the degree programmes. The study advisors will be happy to help you!

Please note!
Most courses are taught in German. For enrollment and successful studies, you need good knowledge of German. If you have any questions, the subject advisory service is available to you.
Our International Office provides information for international students. Please clarify the entry and residence regulations that apply to your nationality in advance.
Bachelor's degree programmes
The Bachelor's degree programmes of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences are designed for a standard period of study of six or eight semesters with a scope of 180 or 240 ECTS credits. Depending on the orientation of the degree programme, courses from other faculties are also integrated, for example from computer science or the humanities and cultural sciences.
- Business Administration
- Computational Economics and Politics (from WS 2022/23)
- European Economic Studies (EES)
- European Economic Studies as second major (from WS 2022/23)
- International Business Administration
- Political Science
- Sociology
Bachelor International
Subsidiary subject offers for Bachelor students of other faculties
Transitions Bachelor - Master
A successful Bachelor's degree leads to a first higher education degree qualifying for a profession. The standard period of study for Bachelor's degree programmes is six or eight semesters. After passing the Bachelor's examination, the academic degree "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) or "Bachelor of Science" (B.Sc.) is awarded.
Master's degree programmes can follow on from a successfully completed university degree. The standard period of study is between two and four semesters. After successfully completing the Master's examination, the academic degree of "Master of Arts" (M.A.) or "Master of Science" (M.Sc.) is awarded.
Please note that access must always be applied for before enrolling in a Master's degree programme. However, other formalities must also be fulfilled for access to some Master's degree programmes. This applies in particular to those degree programmes that carry out an aptitude test. You can find more information on this in the respective study and examination regulations.
Master's degree programmes
The offer is consistently continued in the Master's programme and supplemented by the specific profiles of Empirical Educational Research, Survey Statistics and Business Education.
- Business Administration
- Empirical Educational Research
- European Economic Studies (EES)
- Finance & Accounting
- International Business Administration
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Survey-Statistics
- Tax Advisor (continuing education course)
- Value Chain Management & Business Ecosystems
- Business Education
- Business Education with a focus on Business Information Systems (in cooperation with the Faculty of Business Information Systems and Applied Computer Science)
Master International
The Faculty's social science and economics degree programmes have a high international orientation. Studying abroad is an integral part of the study programme in Bamberg, which means that the programmes particularly promote important competences such as language skills, flexibility and intercultural competences. The double degree programmes in particular should be mentioned as profile-forming in this context. More information on which double degree programmes are offered and how you can benefit from them can be found on the study abroad pages.