Study with us!
Our faculty’s degree programmes are characterised by a strong emphasis on internationality. Fine examples of this international profile are the many double degree programmes offered in conjunction with our partner universities in eight european countries. Students at the Faculty Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration have the opportunity to participate in European Human Resource Programm (EHRM).
At the organisational level, the Faculty created the foreign studies representative position to coordinate all foreign academic activities. The foreign studies representative offers support to both students and staff in all matters concerning foreign studies. He also advises students from foreign partner institutions who are pursuing studies at the faculty for Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration. The foreign studies representative is also the faculty’s ENBS coordinator.

Student Mobility
Overcoming the decades-long division of Europe as well as the continuing cultural and linguistic diversity within modern Europe has always been a great challenge for the "old" continent, but at the same time they undisputedly represent one of its greatest strengths. Since the beginning of European integration, it has been a central political and social concern of all European nations to get to know and understand each other better and thus lay the foundation for peaceful coexistence. Not least thanks to ERASMUS, a tradition of international mobility among students throughout Europe has emerged, to which the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences has always been committed.
Against this background, the faculty offers the possibility of binational, fully integrated study programs and puts great emphasis on foreign language training. Study abroad is an integral part of the degree program. Important core competencies such as language skills, flexibility and intercultural competencies are particularly promoted. In addition, we have a keen interest in promoting and facilitating student mobility in our regular degree programs. Studying abroad can be integrated into any of our degree programs, it is always an enrichment!
Studying abroad can be seen as the icing on the cake for your education. Abroad you can deepen and complement your study contents. You will get to know other teaching methods, will be able to take courses not offered in Bamberg as well as improve your foreign language skills. As a graduate, you will not only belong to a very exclusive circle, you will also have demonstrated your special willingness to perform and you will have qualified yourself for international job markets. As a university, we take with tese programms the progressive economic, political and social integration of Europe into account.
The following pages provide information on international programmes offered at our faculty, the service infrastructure we offer for international students, the destinations and options for our own students. We hope you will enjoy discovering the many possibilities we offer and that you will find your own international path.
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