Dr. Daniele Fusi

Fields of interest

  • Digital Humanities
  • Historical Linguistics
  • Classical Metrics
  • Digital Lexicography

Daniele is a Digital Humanities scholar mainly focused on digital text, and a professional full-stack software developer with decades of experience in specialized software solutions. He combines these skills with his education in Classics, mainly focused in Greek and Latin language, philology and metrics.


Education and Career

  • 1996: Degree in "Lettere classiche" from the Department of Greek and Latin Philology of the University of Rome "Sapienza“.
  • 1996-1997: Software developer at the Ministry of Air Defense of Rome (Centro Elaborazione Dati, formerly SEDA).
  • 2001: PhD at the Department of Archeology and Classical Philology of the University of Genoa (Thesis on the computerized analysis of the Greek epic hexameter).
  • 2005: External contract researcher at the University of Sydney for the Accounting for the Ancient Theater project: a new social and economic history of Classical Greek drama, Australian Research Council, Discovery Projects (Chief Investigators prof. P. Wilson and E. Csapo.
  • 2008-today: Individual company for the design and development of software and consultancy in the world of information technology.
  • 2015-2016: Design and development of models and software for harvesting and encoding a textual database from large archives encoded in XML TEI based dialects (Accademia della Crusca).
  • 2019-2021: Fellow Researcher in Digital Textual Scholarship at the Venice University Center for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH).
  • 2021-2022: Professur für Geschichte und Kultur der Sp?tantike, Bamberg University ("ACO").

Awards and Scholarships

? 2002: Research grant at the University of Rome "Sapienza" for the collection and digital cataloging of epigraphic documents connected to mystery associations, directed by prof. G. Ricciardelli.

? 2015-2016: 12-month Grant “Promotori Tecnologici per l’Innovazione” ("Technological Promoters for Innovation"), 4th edition, promoted by the Metropolitan City of Rome for the creation of the prototype of a universal conversion and modeling system for paper or digital document archives.


? Appunti sulla prosodia del Lussorio di Shackleton-Bailey: alcune questioni di metodo, in F. Bertini (ed.), Luxoriana, pp.193 313, Genova 2002 (rec. ?Maia? 40 (2003) pp.629-630).

? Epigrafia informatica: progetto per un’edizione elettronica di materiale epigrafico, ?Seia? n.s. 6-7 (2001-2002) pp.177-210.

? Fra metrica e linguistica: per la contestualizzazione di alcune leggi esametriche, in E. Di Lorenzo (ed.), L'esametro greco e latino: analisi, problemi e prospettive - Atti del convegno di Fisciano 28-29 maggio 2002, pp.33-63.

? Edizione epigrafica digitale di testi greci e latini: dal testo marcato alla banca dati, in A. Ciula, F. Stella (edd.), Digital Philology and Medieval Texts, Pisa 2007, pp.121-163.

? An Expert System for the Classical Languages: Metrical Analysis Components, in Proceedings of the international conference Trends in Computational and Formal Philology - An Italian Overview, Venice and Padua, 22-24 May 2008.

? Aspects of Application of Neural Recognition to Digital Editions, in M. Rehbein, P. Sahle und T. Scha?an (edd.), Kodikologie und Pal?ologie im Digitalen Zeitalter - Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age, Norderstedt 2009, pp. 201-221.

? Book Informatica per le scienze umane, vol.II (Modelli), Roma (Nuova Cultura) 2011 pp.1-548 (ISBN 978-88-6134-768-7).

? Book Informatica per le scienze umane, vol.I (Elementi), Roma (Nuova Cultura) 2011 pp.1-316 (ISBN 978-88-6134-767-0).

? Edizione digitale degli Initia Hymnorum Ecclesiae Graecae, in A. Rigo, A. Babuin, M. Trizio (edd.), Atti del Congresso “Vie per Bisanzio”, 25-28/11/2009, Venezia (Italy) – Università Ca’ Foscari: VII Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini.

? A Multilanguage, Modular Framework for Metrical Analysis: IT Patterns and Theorical Issues, ?Langages? 199 (2015) 41-66 (monographic issue: Traitement automatique des textes versifiés: problématiques et pratiques).

? Manuale Cremonese Informatica e Telecomunicazioni, Bologna (Zanichelli) 2015: chapter 37, Tecnologia .NET e linguaggio C#, pp.1511-1599: .NET, C#, threading, database, Entity Framework, LINQ, sockets, ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI, WPF, etc. with the corresponding sample code.

? Edizione digitale del Tommaseo-Bellini, in L'italiano elettronico: vocabolari, corpora, archivi testuali e sonori, Atti del Convegno La piazza delle lingue, a c. di Claudio Marazzini e Ludovica Maconi, Firenze 6-8 novembre 2014, Florence 2016.

? Book Tecnologie informatiche per l’umanista digitale, Roma (Nuova Cultura) 2017 pp.1 316 (ISBN 978-88-6812-932-3)

? Revision of the Greek and Latin parts of the etymologies and the appendix on the Latin and Greek phrases of the Zingarelli dictionary 2019.

? Sailing for a Second Navigation: Paradigms in Producing Digital Content, ?SemRom? ns 7 (2018) 213-276.

? Recovering Legacy in the Digital World: Tales and Tools, "Rationes Rerum" 12 (2018) 203-262.

? 2019-today public open source code repositories at github.com/vedph.

? Text Searching Beyond the Text: a Case Study, ?Rationes Rerum? 15 (2020) 199-230.

? Introducing Chiron, a Full-Stack Framework for Metrical Analysis: Part 1 - Data Collection, ?RCCM? 63, 1 (2021) 53-85.

? Introducing Chiron, a Full-Stack Framework for Metrical Analysis: Part 2 - Data Interpretation, ?RCCM? 63, 2 (2021) 407-431.

? Digitalizzazione e marcatura XML degli atti, in R. Gualdo (ed.), Atti chiari. Chiarezza e concisione nella scrittura forense ("Atti Chiari. Chiarezza e concisione nella scrittura forense", Viterbo 20 maggio 2021), 59-73.

? L. Clemenzi, F. Fusco, D. Fusi, G. Lombardi, Analisi linguistica e pseudonimizzazione: strumenti e paradigmi in Fabio Ciracì, Giulia Miglietta, Carola Gatto (edd.), AIUCD 2022 - Culture digitali. Intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Preceedings della 11a conferenza nazionale, Lecce, 2022. Fabio Ciracì, Giulia Miglietta, Carola Gatto (edd.), AIUCD 2022 - Digital cultures. Intersections: philosophy, arts, media. Preceedings of the 11th national conference, Lecce, 2022.