Dr. Florian Meinfelder (Academic Senior Councillor)

Room F21/00.79
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96045 Bamberg

Phone: 0951-863-2741


Mail for Master Survey Statistics: miss(at)uni-bamberg.de

Consultation hours: by appointment

Research Fields

  • Data analysis with missing values
  • Data fusion
  • Empirical Bayes procedures
  • Nearest-Neighbour-Algorithms

Brief Biography

Florian Meinfelder has been working at the Chair of Statistics and Econometrics since 2010 as a lecturer for special tasks and coordinator for the Master's programme Survey Statistics. From 2002 to 2010, he worked in middle management at GfK SE in the Media Research division, where he headed the international Competence Center Data Integration. After studying social sciences at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and external research stays at Harvard University and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Florian Meinfelder completed his doctorate in statistics externally with Prof. Dr. Susanne R?ssler at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg in 2009.

Florian Meinfelder is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Official Statistics. In his free time, he enjoys playing football and spending time in the mountains.

Selected Publications