Paul Messer

Room F21/00.33
Feldkirchenstra?e 21
96045 Bamberg

Phone: 0951 863-2592


Consultation hours: by appointment

Research Fields

  • Small Area Statistics

  • Machine Learning

  • Computational Statistics

Brief Biography

Since October 2021, Paul Messer has been working as a research assistant for the Department of Statistics and Econometrics and the Bamberg Centre for Empirical Studies (BACES) at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Statistics at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich in 2019 and finished his Master's degree in Survey Statistics at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg in 2021. During his Master's degree, he worked as a student assistant at the Department of Statistics and Econometrics and was involved in a research project in cooperation with the city of Bamberg.