Supervision Process

Final Theses at the Chair for Strategy and Organisation Studies

For students who would like to have their Bachelor's / Master's thesis supervised by our chair, it is obligatory to apply in due time (see homepage for deadlines). After the application deadline has expired, the selection and acceptance of a supervising position will take place within approx. 2 weeks. If there are more prospective students than the supervision quota for a semester allows, the selection will be made according to the progress of the studies.1 After our chair has agreed to supervise a thesis, it will be done in 5 steps.

Supervision of Bachelor's / Master's theses in 5 steps

Step 1: Bachelor's / Master's thesis seminar (obligatory)

  • Attending the seminar before the start of the processing period
  • Understanding basics of scientific work and the chair's requirements for a final thesis
  • Announcement of the responsible supervisor

Step 2: Topic agreement and counselling by supervisors

  • Topic agreement on the basis of a previously submitted first exposé
  • Preparation of the exposé according to specifications from Bachelor's / Master's thesis seminar
  • Max. 3 personal meeting appointments with your supervisor

Step 3: Registration (topic confirmation) of the Bachelor's / Master's thesis

  • Deadline for all Bachelor theses in summer semester 2025: 04.06.20252 (working time: 04.06. – 04.08.2025)
  • Deadline for all master work in summer semester 2025: 04.06.20252 (working time: 04.06. – 04.10.2025)

Step 4: Colloquium (only for master theses)

  • The colloquium takes place around the middle of the processing time and is obligatory.
  • In the colloquium, students present the current status of their work in the form of a presentation. This is followed by a question and discussion session.

Step 5: Evaluation of the thesis

  • The evaluation takes place within 2 months after submission.


1 see: Satzung zur Festlegung der Kriterien für die Aufnahme von Studierenden(287.0 KB, 4 pages)

2 If the registration does not take place by the respective deadline, the supervision relationship with the chair ends. mit dem Lehrstuhl.